Wednesday, July 08, 2020

On The Day Of My Superannuation

On The Day Of My Superannuation 

The most respected and honourable Chairman of our College Governing Council Sri Gonal Rajashekar Garu

The most revered and honourable Principal of our College Dr. Rajashekar garu

My beloved secretaries of our Staff Club Dr. Thippeswamy and Sri Mallanagoud garu

And my most beloved colleagues and my bosom friends
Sri. B O Sathayanaryanareddy, Sri Manjunath, Sri Nagareddy, Dr. K C Sajjan, Sri A Mallikarjunappa, Sri Siddaram Mualji, Sri. P Suresh, Sri. Vidya Sagar, and many others who remain absent on account of Carona propagation.

First of all let me pray and  pay my heartfelt obeisance by touching the lotus feet of Goddess of Learning Sri Saraswathi for her unparalleled blessings and filled my begging slings with wisdom to fulfil my duties as a teacher, meeting with thousands of pupils (students) to share my knowledge for their betterment of life during my service of 29 years 5 months and 21 days.

At this moment I must be grateful to the Government of Karnataka for giving me this opportunity to serve in this holy state which considered to be the land of Lord Shiva though I was belonging to other state. On that moment when I joined to my job, I owed to be faithful to my duties till to the last day of my service and retained my owe to the core of my heart.

Secondly, I must be grateful to the most respectable Veerashaiva Vidya Vardhaka Sangha, Ballari for   providing me the most conducive space to discharge my duties. At this juncture I must be grateful to the Sangha, under whose warm wings I took shelter with unflinching confidence and trust for the successful completion of my service.

On this occasion I must remember and be grateful to all principals from Prof Gurubasavaraj sir, Chandrappa Shetty sir, Maregouda sir, Jayaprakash gouda sir and many others who remain unsung here though their names registered in my heart with golden letters  and down to my beloved Principal Dr. G Rajashekar sir whose munificence identified my strengths and shaped me as a teacher  to perform my duties to the satisfaction of my soul.

I never forget my bosom friends and colleagues whose intimacy is very close to my heart helped me in all respects when I was in difficulties and encouraged me when I was in the mood of discouragement  and invited me to participate in their happy occasions shared their joys and tears without making me feel as an outsider. They treated me as I am one of their family members. For all those friends and well-wishers, I am indebted which is never repayable.

On this occasion I must remember all Office Personnel by name Smt. MB Rajeswari Madam
Sri Ameresh, Sri Panduranga, Sri Basavaraj, Sri Chandre gouda, Sri Pramod, Sri K Veeresh, Sri Pamapapathi, Sri Nagaraj KB, Sri Umapathi, Sri Yerriswamy, our Principal’s personal assistant Sri Shanmukha, and Sri Ramappa who treated me great respect and held me whatever I need from the office and library. Once again, I extend my heartfelt thanks for their memorable cooperation in discharging my duties successfully.  Thank you, my friends.

I hope this is not the end of my gratitude to my colleges where I worked and finally to the sangha it will be remembered till to the last day of life and remember every moment of help, I received in the wee hours of every morning.  

Finally, I must be thankful to my wife Smt. Rani and my children Chirangeevi Rishal babu and Chirangeevi Rishvanth babu who supported in all my critical times and helped me to take care of my duties. With their help I did nothing to my family but my professional duties. I extend my special gratitude to my family who pulled me back from the jaws of death in 2012 and gave me second life with the blessings of the God in Whom she has faith. She is responsible to make stand before you and to talk with you all today.

With all these sweet memories

Thank you and thank you one and all for giving me this warm farewell felicitation.



John Milton (1609 - 1674)

John Milton (1609 – 1674)

John Milton was an English poet, best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost, was born on December 9th, 1609.

Milton was educated at St. Paul’s School. London. He was originally destined for a ministerial career, but his independent spirit led him to give this up. He matriculated at Christ’s College, Cambridge in 1625 and studied there for seven years before he graduated as Master of Arts cum laude on July 3rd, 1632. At Cambridge, Milton tutored the American theologian Roger Williams in Hebrew, in exchange for lessons in Dutch. On graduating from Christ’s College, Milton undertook six years of self-directed private study in both the ancient and modern disciplines of theology. Philosophy, history, politics, literature and science, in preparation for his prospective poetical career. As a result of such intensive study, Milton considered to be among the most learned of all English poets. In a Latin poem, possibly composed in the mid 1630s, Milton thanks his father for supporting him during this period.

Milton spent several years devoted almost entirely to prose work in the service of the Puritan and Parliamentary cause. The onset of glaucoma (a type of Eye disease), caused by his labours setting the typeface for numerous controversial pamphlets (Thus straining his optic nerve), eventually le to permanent blindness, forcing him, from 1654, to dictate his verse and prose to his granddaughter.

Milton wrote propaganda for the English Republic in the early 1650s, including the Eikonolastes, which attempts to justify the execution of Charles I. When he was caught and arrested in October 1659, he was not summarily executed several influential people had spoken on his behalf. Milton then lived in retirement, devoting himself once more to poetical work, and publishing Paradise Lost in 1667, the epic by which he attained universal fame (blind and improvised, he sold the publishing rights to this work on April 27 that year for £ 10), to be followed by Paradise Regained, together with Samson Agonistes, a drama on the Greek model, in 1671.      

Milton penned paradise Lost and Paradise Regained through dictation because of his blindness. This required him to store vast portions of the poems in his memory oral recitation.

Milton’s literary career cast such a formidable shadow over English poetry in the 18th and 19th centuries that he was often judged favourably against all other English poets, including Shakespeare. 

The unparalleled scope of Paradise Lost, his masterpiece, sees Milton justifying the ways of God to men, and the poem also depicts the creation on the universe, earth, and humanity; conveys the origin of sin, death, and evil; imagines events in hell, the Kingdom of Heaven, the garden of Eden, and the sacred history of Israel; engages with political ideas of tyranny, liberty ad justice; and defends theological positions on predestination, free will, and salvation. Milton’s influence on the literature of the Romantic era was profound. John Keats found the yoke of Milton’s style debilitating; he exclaimed that “Miltonic verse cannot be written but in an artful or rather artist’s humour.” Milton died on November 8th, 1674. The John Milton Society for the blind was founded in 1928 by Helen Keller to develop an interdenominational ministry that would bring spiritual guidance and religious literature to deaf and blind persons.


"నమశ్శివాయ" అనగా....

  " నమశ్శివాయ "   అనగా ....   “ ఓం   నమశ్శివాయ ”  అనే   మంత్రంలో   “ న  –  మ  –  శి  –  వా  –  య ”   అన్నపంచాక్షరాలు ఉన్నాయి   కదా...