Monday, June 07, 2021

IQ Test - 2 (Key)

IQ Test – 2 (Key)


1.     Cut, Drill


2.     33 minutes: 12 noon less 33 minutes = 11.27

11.27 less 48 minutes = 10.39

9 am plus 99 minutes (3x33) = 10.39


3.     Turtle: each word can be suffixed by NECK 


4.     Vulnerable


5.     Wednesday


6.     In The Pink


7.     Rise to vote sir


8.     7, 21, 22


9.     Sack oboe = bookcase. The books are lexicon (Neil Cox), thesaurus (assure hut), omnibus (Sumo bin), and cookery (Roy Coke)


10.    Modest


11.  Fox


12.  Fresh – water – fall – short – story – line – age – group 


13.  28, 102: 7x4 = 28, 74 + 28 = 102


14.  Pen: it is a female swan. The rest are all male animals


15.  Picture – gallery


16.  Exultation


17.  Libretto: libretto is the words of a musical composition; the rest are types of song


18.  Kidnap, theft 


19.  Synonyms: accuse, cite

Antonym: absolve


20.  1 foot: sapling = 1 foot, wall = 7 foot 

Tuesday, June 01, 2021

IQ Test - 2

 IQ Test – 2


1.     Identify two words (one from each set of brackets) that form a connection (analogy), thereby relating to the words in capitals in the same way.


CHISEL (cut, smooth, tool)

AUGER (engrave, drill, punch)



2.     How many minutes is it before 12 noon if 48 minutes ago it was three times as many minutes past 9 a m.




3.     Break              Bottle              Rough

Which word below has something in common with all the words above.


Donkey,          Rabbit,            Turtle,             ox,                   Tortoise



4.     Susceptible to attack or damage. Which word below most closely fits the above definition?


Debilitated,     Vulnerable,     Unstable,         Emasculated,   Unprepared



5.     SUNDAY









Which day is three days before the day immediately following the day two days before the day three days after the day immediately before FRIDAY?



6.     Change one letter only in each word below to find a well-known phrase.





7.     Insert the letters provided into the spaces to spell out a palindromic phrase, that is, one that reads the same backwards and forwards.

Clue: exercise franchise




            - - S -  / - -  / - O - -   /- - - /


8.     On glancing through your morning newspaper, you notice that four pages are missing. One of the missing pages is page 8. The back page of the newspaper is 28. What are the other three missing pages?




9.     Which of the following is not an anagram of a type of book?


Neil Cox

Assure Hut

Sumo Bin 

Sack Oboe

Roy Coke



10.  Which word in brackets is opposite in meaning to the word in capitals?


Significant (ordinary, stupid, modest, petty, dull)





a.     Ferret

b.     Fox

c.     Deer

d.     Wolf

e.     Sheep



12.  Arrange the following words in a line so that each pair of words in the line forms a new word or phrase. 


For example: word, game, pass, point = pass, word, game, point to give the words or phrases, password, word-game and game-point. 


SHORT,          GROUP,         WATER,         LINE,              STORY,          AGE, 

FRESH,           FALL

13.  Which two numbers come next in the sequence?


38, 24, 62, 12, 74, ?



14.  Which is the odd one out?


ROOSTER,        BUCK,          GANDER,           PEN,          RAM



15.  The following in extracted from which hyphenated word.


Clue: viewing area


- - - - - RE /  GA- - - - - /


16.  Outline tax is an anagram of which 10 – letter word?





17.  Which is the odd one out?


Canticle,          Threnody,       Madrigal,        Libretto,          Aria




18.  Identify two words (one from each set of brackets) that form a connection (analogy), thereby relating to the words in capitals in the same way.


ABDUCTION            (Winch, kidnap, ransom)

LARCENY                 (Theft, deceit, crime)



19.  Select two words that are synonyms, plus an antonym of these two synonyms, from the list of words below.


Amass,            Accuse,           Question,         Cite,    Empower,       Absolve, 




20.  How tall is a sapling that is six feet shorter than a wall that is seven times higher than the sapling?


"నమశ్శివాయ" అనగా....

  " నమశ్శివాయ "   అనగా ....   “ ఓం   నమశ్శివాయ ”  అనే   మంత్రంలో   “ న  –  మ  –  శి  –  వా  –  య ”   అన్నపంచాక్షరాలు ఉన్నాయి   కదా...