Friday, March 07, 2025

"నమశ్శివాయ" అనగా....

 "నమశ్శివాయ" అనగా....


ఓం నమశ్శివాయ” అనే మంత్రంలో  “న – మ  శి  వా – ”  అన్నపంచాక్షరాలు

ఉన్నాయి కదా….  ఆ పంచాక్షరాలను ఈ క్రింది విధంగా అర్థం చేసుకోవాలి.


1. ‘’ అంటే ‘నభం’ అనగా ఆకాశముఅంతరిక్షముశూన్యము, Space.


2. ‘’ అంటే ‘మరుత్’  అనగా మారుతం, గాలివాయువు, Air.


3. ‘శి’ అంటే ‘శిఖి’ అనగా అగ్ని, Fire.


4. ‘వా’ అంటే ‘వారి’ అనగా నీరుజలము, Water.


5. ‘’ అంటే ‘యజ్ఞము’  అనగా భూమి, పుడమి, ధరణి, Earth. 


“ఓం”  ఓంకారము  ప్రణవనాధం….   విశ్వాంతరాళాల్లొ ప్రథంగా ఉద్బవించిన ప్రథమధ్వని 

అని మన పెద్దలుచేప్పరు కదా.... అందుకే మనము ‘ఓంకారము’ తో  ఓం నమశ్శివాయ ను 

మూల మంత్రంగా జపిస్తూన్నము.

సృష్థి లేద  జీవ ఆవిర్భవామే ఈ పంచభూతాలతోనే జరగింది అన్న నిజాన్ని గ్రహించన 

మానవుడు ఓం నమశ్శివాయ  అనే మత్రంతో పంచభూతాలను ఆరాధించడం మొదులుపెట్టాడు.

మీకుతెలుసా ఈ పంచభూతాల్లొ ఏఒక్కటి లోపించిన సృష్టి లేద మన జీవన గమనం స్తంభించిపోతుందని.

Do you know about these…


What is the use space (శూన్యము) and how does it participate in life existence on the Earth?

We must know some of these facts about Space (శూన్యము)

Our Earth spins itself in the Space with the speed of 465 metres per second and 

completes a single spin in 23 hours and 56 minutes.  With the help of this spinning 

we feel days and nights on the Earth. 


Further the earth races through the space with the speed of 52 million kilometres daily

with the axis of 63 around the Sun. due to this we see changes in seasons during the year. 


Now, you can expect the importance of the Space for the existence of life on this Earth.


But we do not feel the movement of Earth in Space though we live on this great Earth.






 mastanappa puletipalli

Friday, February 21, 2025

A Funny Story on Lipid Profile - by a Doctor

 A Funny Story on Lipid Profile


A renowned doctor shared this beautiful story explaining lipid profile in a unique way.


Imagine our body is a small town. The main troublemakers in this town are ‘Cholesterol’.


They have some accomplices too. The main partner-in-crime is ‘Triglyceride’. Their job is to roam the streets, causing chaos, and blocking the roads.


The ‘Heart’ is the city centre of this town. All roads lead to the heart. When the troublemakers increase in number, you know what happens. They try to disrupt the heat’s function. But our body-town has a police force too.


‘HDL’ is the good cop who arrests the troublemakers and puts them behind bars (the liver). The liver then throws them out of the body through the drainage system.


However, there’s a bad cop too, ‘LDL’, who’s power-hungry.


‘LDL’ releases the troublemakers from jail and puts them back on the streets.


When the good cop ‘HDL’ is outnumbered, the town becomes chaotic. Who likes living in such a town?


‘Do you want to reduce the troublemakers and increase the good cops?’


Start walking. With every step, the good cops ‘HDL’ will increase, and the troublemakers ‘Cholesterol, Triglyceride, and LDL’ will decrease.


Your town (body) will regain its vitality. Your heart the city centre will be safe from the troublemakers’ blockades (heart blocks). And when your heart is healthy, you’ll be healthy too.


‘So, start walking whenever you get the chance!’


‘Stay healthy’... and ‘Have a good health’


This is quite a good article to increase the GOOD HDL and decrease the BAD LDL mainly by walking. ‘Every walking step will increase HDL. THEREFORE, ‘WALK, WALK and WALK’. ‘HAPPY SENIOR CITIZENS' WEEK’




1.     Salt

2.     Sugar

3.     Bleached flour

4.     Dairy products

5.     Processed products.


  Food Needed:


1.     Vegetables

2.     Legumes

3.     Beans

4.     Nuts

5.     Eggs

6.     Cold pressed oil (preferably Olive, Coconut, … etc.)

7.     Fruits


Three things you should try to forget:


1.     Your age

2.     Your past

3.     Your complaints.


Essential things you need to cherish:


1.     Your Family

2.     Your Friends

3.     Your Positive thoughts

4.     A clean and welcoming home.


Three basic things you need to adopt:


1.     Always smile /laugh

2.     Do regular physical activity at your own pace

3.     Check and control your weight


Six essential lifestyle you need to practice.


1.     Do not wait until you are thirsty to drink to drink water

2.     Do not wait until you are tired to rest

3.     Do not wait until you are sick to have medical examinations

4.     Do not wait for miracles to trust God

5.     Never lose confidence in yourself

6.     Stay positive and always hope for a better tomorrow…




God bless you richly 

courtesy: WhatsApp Message

mastanappa puletipalli

Tribute to T

Tribute to T

Today is the day for the letter T -- Shashi Tharoor in full flow.  ALL words beginning with the alphabet "T" And it ALL fits to the 'T' .


A tribute to the letter "T" By Sashi Tharoor


The tongue’s terrible tendency to tell tall tales totally tarnishes traditional transcommunication theories. The tempestuous tirades traceable to the tongue testify to the traumatic tactics of this tiny tab of tissue. Thousands that take the time to think, try to tame the tumultuous torrent of the too talkative tongue. Temporarily, the tide turns. Towering tempers turn to tenderness. Then, tragically, the trend tapers. The tongue trips, teeters, then takes a tumble; the temptation to trifling twaddle triumphs.


Take time to tabulate this timeless truth: to train the tongue takes the tremendous talent of trust. Theology teaches that trust thrives through toil. Therefore, throttle the testy tongue! Terminate the trivial topics that tinge the tenor of talk! Trim the trashy, tasteless terms that transgress traditions of truth! Trounce the trite themes that toady to thoughtless tattling!


Theoretically, the tantalizing target of a true, tactful, temperate tongue torments and teases those that tackle the task. To tell the truth, thrilling triumph throngs the tracks of the tough, tenacious thwarter of tawdry talk !



Terrific Tharoor!

Truly tremendous !

Courtesy: WhatsApp Message

ed by mastanappa puletipalli

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

On The Occasion of Volleyball Tournament Inauguration

 On the Occasion of  Volleyball Tournament Inauguration


Ladies and Gentlemen


Today marks the beginning of our volley ball tournament, a celebration of skill, teamwork, and the passion that drives us all to excel in this dynamic sport. As we gather here, we are not just competitors, we are united by our love for volleyball and the spirit of sportsmanship that transcends boundaries.


In the arena before us, we see more than just courts and nets. We see opportunities – opportunities to push ourselves bey6ond limits, to forge friendship through fierce competition, and to inspire each other with acts of athleticism and determination.


Every spike, every set, and every serve represents more than points on a scoreboard. They symbolize our dedication to mastery, our commitment to teamwork, and our resilience in the face of challenges. This tournament isn’t just about winning; it’s about the journey we embark on together, the lessons we learn from victory and defeat alike, and the memories we create that will endure long after the final whistle blows.  


To the athletes, I say: cherish this moment. Embrace the nerves and the excitement coursing through your veins, for they are signs that you ae part of something special. Your hard work and preparation have brought you here, and now it’s time to showcase your skills with pride and passion.  


To the supporters and spectators, I say: your presence here today is vital. Your cheers, your applause, and your encouragement fuel the fire within these athletes. Your unwavering support lifts them up and reminds them of the community that stands behind them. 


Let this tournament be a testament to the values that define volleyball: respect, perseverance, and the pursuit of excellence. Let us complete with integrity, with grace, and with a relentless determination to leave everything on the court.


As we embark on this journey together, let us remember that it’s not just about the matches we play, but the camaraderie we share and the bonds we strengthen. Whether we stand victorious at the end or face disappointment, let us do so knowing that we have given our all and inspired others to do the same.


So, let the games begin! May this tournament be a showcase of skill, a celebration of sportsmanship, and a source of inspiration for all who participate and witness it. Play with hear, play with joy, and let the spirit of volleyball unite us all.


Thank you, and best of luck to each and every one of you!





 mastanappa puletipalli

"నమశ్శివాయ" అనగా....

  " నమశ్శివాయ "   అనగా ....   “ ఓం   నమశ్శివాయ ”  అనే   మంత్రంలో   “ న  –  మ  –  శి  –  వా  –  య ”   అన్నపంచాక్షరాలు ఉన్నాయి   కదా...