Monday, April 06, 2015

The Two Trees – W. B. Yeats

William Butler Yeats is one of the major poets of the 20th century. He has a multifaceted personality with varied interests. His contributions include poetry, dramas, essays on literary criticism and an autobiography. He was also known as mystic poet. The present poem 'Easter 1916' deals with an historical event of Irish Freedom Struggle. All the peasants of Ireland launched a movement of protest against the British rule exactly on the Easter Day (resurrection day of Lord Jesus Christ) in the year 1916. The freedom struggle was a long drawn battle of sacrifices. The sacrifice of the patriots is an awakening to the people of Ireland.

'Eater 1916' is partly biographical and partly historical. The poet says that he met the rebellious people at the close of the day. They were all belonging from various walks of life deemed to sacrifice for the sake of national interest. ' A terrible beauty is born'; the refrain of the poem helps the reader to imagine the change that occurred in his country. It was the result of the chain events of sacrifices, struggles, sufferings of men and women who dreamed for their free country from British Rule.

People of all walks of life participated in this protest indicates how the movement had taken itself into a mass movement, a saga of sacrifice, struggle and suffering. The poet takes some such examples to build up his theme of transformation. There was resistance within the society although the change is the rule of the nature.  The birth of the terrible beauty presupposes innumerable instances of untold miseries and sufferings of the patriots who loved their free country.

The Lady Officer who put to death by the British Government, the poet's friend Patric Pearse, Thomas Mac Donagh John Mac Bride and lots of other patriots were suffered greatly in the course of the freedom struggle. Many people strove hard to awaken their countrymen and fill in them a sense of pride and a craving for independence and freedom.

Long series of sacrifices brought about a change in the outlook and the mood of the people of Ireland. The revolution assumed momentum. The British parliament was forced to pass bill of Home Rule. The poet asserts that the sacrifices of the patriots would never go vain. They would be remembered for their precious services to the country. The poet's acknowledgment would also immortalise those great men and women who fought for the noble cause of freedom. By this poem, 'Easter 1916' the poet desires to immortalise all those great souls who sacrifice their lives for the sake of their country.

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