Thursday, September 03, 2015


Compliant letter (Model No. 1)
To the Inspector of Police complaining about the theft of your bicycle giving full particulars:

I Cross, Jayanagar,
19th August, 2014

The Inspector of Police,
Cowl Bazaar Police Station,
BELLARY – 583 104.


Sub: Theft of my bicycle – reg
          * * * *

I wish to report the theft of my bicycle on 18th August, 2014.
I had gone to see the evening show of a film Bahubali at the Royal Cinema Hall. I had kept my bicycle in the cycle-stand. When I came out at 9 pm I could not find my bicycle in the cycle-stand. The man in- charge of the cycle-stand says that he knew nothing about it.
My bicycle is a new one of Atlas Make bearing number G–71475. It is red in colour. My name is engraved on its handle-bar. I hope you will trace the bicycle soon and restore it to me.

Yours faithfully,

Complaint letter (Model No. 2)
To the sub-Inspector of Police drawing his attention to growing thefts in your locality:

12th ward, Kappagal Road
12th September, 2014

The Sub-Inspector of Police,
Gandhi Nagar Police Station,
BELLARY – 583 101


Sub: Increasing incidents of thefts in Kappagal Road – reg.
* * * *
I write this in order to invite your kind attention to the alarming increase in the number of thefts and burglaries in the 12th of ward of Kappagal Road locality. In the course of the past one month more than half a dozen burglaries have taken place here, in quick succession. All these incidents have been duly reported to the police authorities, but for reasons best known to themselves, no concrete steps have been taken in this matter. The residents of this area are naturally alarmed over the state of affairs and are forced to spend sleepless nights. So I request you to intensify the patrolling in this area to curb the menace of thefts.

Thanking you, Sir.

Yours faithfully,

Complaint letter (Model No. 3)
To the Chief-Engineer of the Electricity Board complaining about frequent power breakdown in your area:
15, Tilak Nagar,
15th August, 2014

The Chief Engineer,
Karnataka Electricity Board,
BELLARY – 583 104


Sub: Frequent breakdown of power in Tilak Nagar, Bellary – reg.
                               * * * *

I would like to draw your attention to the inconvenience caused to the residents of Tilak Nagar, Bellary by frequent breakdown in electricity supply. On average, the electricity goes off three to five times a day for periods ranging from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Even when there is supply there is the problem of low voltage. As a result of this unsteady supply of electricity, many electric appliances just do not function.

With the examinations round the corner, the students are the worst affected in this situation. As the power goes off frequently at night, they are unable to prepare for their examinations. The heat of the summer and mosquitoes make nights without electricity miserable.

We have complained several times to the officials at the local office but to no avail. We trust you that you will take necessary action to ensure proper electricity supply to this area.

Thanking you, Sir.

Yours faithfully,

 Complaint letter (Model no. 4)

To the municipal authorities in your city about the problems posed by stray dogs and need to tackle them in an effective manner:

171, Adarsh Nagar,
14th July, 2014

The Commissioner,
Bellary City Corporation,
BELLARY – 583 104


Sub: Stray dogs menace – reg.
* * * *

I would like to draw your attention to the havoc created by the stray dogs in our locality. There is a pack of stray dogs roaming about freely in the locality and posing a frightening threat to the people. Their numbers have been increasing with steady pace. They become aggressive in the evenings. They bark and bite at the passers-by, particularly children. Already ten people have become their victims. At night they bark loudly and disturb the sleep of the residents. I urge your goodself to look into this matter and take necessary steps to put an end to the problem quickly and effectively.

Thanking you, Sir.   

Yours faithfully,

Complaint letter (Model no. 5)

To the Postmaster about the irregular delivery of letters:

17, Sanganakallu,
9th July, 2014

The Postmaster,
Gandhi Nagar Post-Office,
Bellary – 583 103


Sub: Irregular delivery of post – reg.
* * * *
I would like to bring to your notice the inconvenience caused to the residents of Sanganakallu due to irregular delivery of mail. Since the new postman is assigned to this area he is able to deliver the post only on alternative days. This particular postman is inefficient and disrespectful. He often delivers the letters to the wrong addresses. And he seldom puts the letters in the letter boxes provided in front of many houses, but carelessly throws them in front of the gate or hands them over to the children. As a result important letters are often lost or misplaced. I also doubt if he delivers all the letters at all. There are numerous complaints of non-receipt of postal articles. I am sure you will instruct the concerned postman to be careful in future.

Thanking you, sir.

Yours faithfully, 

Complaint letter (Model no. 6)

Write a letter to a newspaper, commenting on reckless driving.

3-4-150, Post Office Road,
December 15, 2014

The Editor,
The Deccan Herald,


I shall be obliged if you publish the following in your columns.

It is painful to see a number of deaths on the streets, due to rash driving. Especially lorry/truck drivers are in the habit of driving at a great speed. It is a danger to the lives of the people. Sometimes children are knocked down by recklessly driven lorries/trucks.

Accidents are almost of daily occurrence. The drivers, who are responsible for this, escape with greater speed. Yesterday I saw a beggar was run over by a lorry. No trace of the driver could be found. Even if the driver is caught the punishment is light. As a result the drivers are continuing this practice.

So, I request the authorities concerned to tackle this problem with a firm hand.  Unless this is done, a number of people become poor victims to the rash driving of drivers.

Yours truly,

           Mohan Kumar

Complaint letter (Model no. 7)

Write a letter to a newspaper appealing for the cyclone victims

8 – 16; Venkateshwara Colony,
December 2, 2014

The Editor
The Indian Express,


I have just returned from the coastal villages which are badly hit by tidal waves. It is a ghastly night. Thousands of people lost their lives. Lakhs of cattle perished. Standing crops in thousands of acres were lost. The sight of these who lost everything-near, dear, and property, makes a heart rending tale. One finds ocean of tears. Their plight is unimaginable.

Through these columns I appeal to one and all to contribute their mite to wipe out the tears of men and women. They are in need of our active support. So, let us do our best, in a humble way, to relieve their misery.

Sir, I request you to start a relief fund and invite the readers to contribute liberally to alleviate the ocean of misery.

Yours truly,


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