Monday, October 12, 2015

The Influence of Science – E. N. DA. C. Andrade and Julian Huxley

Part – 1
Ignorance is the root cause of wrong ideas and useless superstitious practices. Among the primitive tribes there was hardly any scientific knowledge which can give them better explanation for all mysterious happenings around. The natural occurrences such as the sun rising, the sun setting, the changing of moon, the droughts, storms, earthquakes, floods and disease are all believed to be the mystery or the influence of good and bad spirits. These beliefs cannot be called superstitions as long as no better scientific explanation is available. When scientific knowledge spreads these beliefs of good or bad spirits influence on natural occurrences can be considered as superstitions. 

Thus, as science progresses, superstitions ought to grow less.  But surprisingly the superstitions are still lingering on in civilized societies.   We need not look down upon savage tribes for holding such beliefs and ideas. But, in the most civilized nations a great many stupid superstitions exist and are believed in by great many people. Even today some people do not want to sit at the thirteenth table; others do not light three cigarettes from a single match stick and some others do not like to start anything important on Fridays. Even today many people buy charms and talismans because they think they will bring them luck.

The most terrible example of superstition is the belief in witchcraft. In Western Europe during 16th and 17th centuries millions of people were killed on the charges that they were found guilty of witchcraft. The persons prosecuting them on such charges of practicing witchcraft also acted on superstitious ideas based on false principles. 

In the civilized nations the laws are made on the basis of principles which are unproved assumptions. For instance, it is held as a principle that white people are by nature superior to the people of other colours. The ancient Greeks believed that they were by nature superior to the barbarians of Northern and Western Europe. 

It is, however true that the increase of scientific knowledge reduces superstitions and also baseless guessing and arguments. Civilized people do not argue and get angry about how water is composed of. They may be frightened at a volcanic eruption or an outbreak of plague but they do not try to claim that some mysterious power can stop such calamities or they do not blame somebody on the plotting of witchcraft.

The astronomical science has entirely changed our views about the place of man in nature as well as in cosmos. Scientific knowledge has changed our ideas about heredity, about the disasters like earthquakes and disease and also it has given us strength and ability to sustain them.

Part – 2 

Science not only provides knowledge about nature. It also provides means for controlling nature. Science affects our general ideas and practical affairs of everyday life. The invention of compass and the advanced designs of ships improved sea transport. Then came the steam engine. The ships and railways with steam engines completely changed the business of travel and transport of goods. Of late, the invention of the internal combustion engine (diesel engine) again made possible the fast moving motor cars and then the aeroplane.  Thus advancements in science have brought newer changes in our life-style. 

The railways powered with steam engines and the aeroplanes brought revolution in sending letters and newspapers faster than ever before. Invention of dynamo (electricity producing device) brought rapid change not only in communication systems but also every walk of life in human journey.  First telegraph, then telephone, then radio, wireless communication systems and then television has changed the entire world.

The electric lighting of the houses has replaced the age old methods of lighting of houses like candles, oil-lamps, gas lights etc. Thus, scientific advancement has influenced in all spheres of human life and brought unimaginable change in every day’s life of a man.

The practical applications of science are not always benefitted us. It has made us greedy and selfish. We are recklessly exploiting the natural resources. Our industrial civilization makes new demands for sources of power. Mining provides us this resources. Every day newspapers, we read at our homes demands the reckless cutting down of forests to provide wood for making of newsprint.

Without science modern civilization would not have been possible. Applied science transports people from one place to other place. The factories need a lot fuel. The burning of the huge quantity of fuel has created air pollution causing deadly diseases. Health is another problem of modern city life. The air pollution, water pollution, the insecticides, pesticides have all led to so many health hazards. Again science has been trying to find remedies for all these diseases. Fresh inventions and discoveries create some more problems and that necessiciates further inventions and discoveries. Sanitation is another major problem of our civilized cities.

The way human life has steadily changed. About ten thousand years ago, man lived solely depending on hunting. A settled and civilised life only began when agriculture was discovered. From then to this date, civilization has always been changing. Ancient Egypt – Greece – the Roman Empire – the Middle Ages – The Renaissance – the Age of modern science of modern nations – have succeeded one after the other. History has never stood still. During the last few years the change has been even more than usual. We have now to be more particular about economic and social change, Science and Scientific knowledge will alone help us. We have to learn with the help of science how to control our own destiny.  


  1. Sir, I want to thank you again and again coz your notes is helping me a lot, not only to me but to many lecturers like me.


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