Monday, November 30, 2015


Standard English is not entirely uniform around the globe. For example, American users of Standard English say first floor, and I have gotten a letter and write center and color, while British users say ground floor and I’ve just got a letter and write centre and colour. But these regional differences are few in comparison with the high degree of agreement about which form should count as standard. Nevertheless, Standard English, like all living languages, changes over time… 

“It is important to realize that Standard English is no way intrinsically superior to any other variety of English; in particular, it should be ‘more logical’, ‘more grammatical’ or ‘more expressive’. It is, at the bottom, a convenience; the use of a single agreed standard form, learned by speakers everywhere, minimizes uncertainty, confusion, misunderstanding and communicative difficulty generally.”

Standard English is the variety of English that is held by many to be ‘correct’ in the sense that it shows none of the regional of other variations that are considered by some to be ungrammatical or non-standard English. ‘Received Pronunciation’, often called RP, if the way Standard English spoken, without any regional variations. Standard English or RP is widely used in the media and by the public figures, so it has prestige status and is regarded by many as the most desirable form of the language.

Some suggestions to improve your language ability

v  There are hundreds of different accents within the United Kingdom so categorizing them all as a British Accent is rather in correct. Wherever we go we will find an unbelievable variety of different pronunciations.

v  As with any accent listening to and imitating a native speaker is the most important and fastest way to learn.

v  Take a trip to the United Kingdom and really listen to how they speak.

v  If you’re visiting England visit the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. They are some of the strongholds of the traditional of RP accent.

v  As you expand the ability of the ear speaking becomes an automatism. When, the ear can ‘hear’ a sound the mouth has a better chance of producing it.

v  There are a wide range of British accents. For every day use or for Business try learning a ‘received pronunciation’ (RP) accent such as that commonly used BBC newscasters.


1 comment:

  1. i have read the blog. it is very resourceful and educative blog. I appreciate sir for hosting the blog.It is very beneficial for me to improve my language capabilities .......pranusha yalavarthi


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