Sunday, January 24, 2016

Bankers Are Just Like Anybody Else, Except Richer - Ogden Nash

Bankers Are Just Like Anybody Else, Except Richer – Ogden Nash

The poet, Ogden Nash says in his poem “Bankers Are Just Like Anybody Else, Except Richer” that his poem intends to celebrate banks. Thus, he makes the readers feel curious when the poet states that his poem celebrates banks. The banks will let us hear the clink-clank sound of the coins and the rustling sound of the currency notes. Of course, Money is an attraction that draws people towards it always and forever. Suddenly the poet changes the tone of his voice. He comments that bankers dwell in luxurious buildings. It is because they encourage deposits and discourage withdrawals. The stingy attitude of the bankers in lending and particularly to the poor sets the tone of the poem. He comments that banks are cautious conservatives and the bankers deny lending money to the needy. They dislike the people who have no money and no property to give them as security.

But the bankers shrewdly and tactfully behave with the rich persons. On seeing their rich customers they express their kindliness and greet them courteously and offer to lend as much money as they want. They would serve the rich customers with utmost care and affection. The vice-presidents of the banks nod their heads positively to such proposals. They would even send money to the customers’ place if they want.    

The poet says that bankers deserve our appreciation. The tone of the poet sounds very bitter and harsh. It means the very opposite of what is said.

The poet criticizes the too much commercial attitude of the bankers. They are pro-rich and anti-poor. The banks have to act as catalysts of social change. They have to see that the resources are evenly distributed among the various classes of society. They have to encourage the entrepreneurs and empower the deserving poor and hardworking people. But they are too cautious and conservative; they cannot discharge their duties to the society. They have to fulfill the objectives of the banking industry.  They play safe and fail to realize their obligations and duties; they would only facilitate the rich to grow richer and the poor become poorer.

The poet hints that bankers owe a duty to society. Wealth has to be distributed evenly. Those who do not have money but have the skills and talents, banks ought to help them to come up. But if the bankers play only by rules and stick on to their conservatism and pro-rich stance, they can earn profits without the ‘social gains’. Such attitude is absolutely undeserving. Thus, the poet prompts the bankers and readers to think of their duties and responsibilities with the ultimate objectives of the banking industry.



  1. this article is very useful to the students and also inspire the people who go through it. i congratulate Mr. Mastanappa for hosting this educational blog. i believe this might be very beneficial for all students - Prashant

    1. Sir This is very much useful to all the students. Mohan Kumar GR Hassan karnataka.

  2. This summary is useful for the people to understand wat is wat in and around the society especially in banks. Thanks for ur review of this poem..

  3. This summary is useful for the people to understand wat is wat in and around the society especially in banks. Thanks for ur review of this poem..

  4. Thanks .today internal exam . This poem is one of the portion .🌺🌺🙏🏻

  5. It is very useful to me 😊😊😊
    Thank you so much

  6. What is poem meter,wo wou you give me

  7. Yes it's true bankers have a high attitude. Good poem.

  8. It's really wonderfull interpretation of the poem it helps to me to students effectively thank you so much sir

  9. The explanation is simple, clear and lucid and would help every reader. Expecting more.

  10. It's an understandable and even very useful.

    Thank you

  11. This helped me very much for my exam thank you


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