Friday, September 30, 2016

12 Manners to get respect from others

12 Manners to get respect from others

The Golden word is “Mannerism make a man, good manners make a good man.”

Sometimes, even educated people behave unnatural way even in trifle matters and become cheap in the eyes of others. So to avoid such embarrassing situations, it is well and good to observe the following 12 points and be dignified.

  1. Never read the letters of even your closest relatives, friends, and family members like brothers / sisters. If you read their letters, they will treat you a person without manners.

  1. Never show interest in others personal matters and do not read their personal diaries.

  1. Never see their SMSs in their cell phones and also their money purses.

  1. Don’t see their albums, unless they request you to see them and also not pass your comments about the album’s nature and external appearance.

  1. Switch off the cell phones or keep them in silent mode, when you are attending the official meetings, cultural programmes and also during dinner times in the presence of guests.

  1. Whenever guest visit your home, open the door and invite them politely and walk behind them (not in front of them) and make them be seated comfortably either in the chairs or in a sofa.

  1. Whenever you go to your friend’s house, take with you, sweets and fruits and for the children biscuits and chocolates etc.

  1. Whenever anyone visits your home, usually they bring something for you and to your children also and you also reciprocate them in the same manner.

  1. Whenever you have taken help from others, express your gratitude by saying words like, ‘thanks or please…’, etc. you will get good impression in their opinion about you. Give tips to waiters in hotels or restaurants.

  1. During parties or in functions take the food items along with the guests (not alone) and also it is good to serve each other and drink together. It is a good social behaviour.

  1. While taking coffee, tea or cool drink in the office, always keep the office files on your left side (not on a right side).

  1. A simple smile on your face brings laurels and creates good impression on you in other’s minds; moreover it costs nothing but fetches everything.

‘Give respect and take respect’ is a good slogan and keep it in your mind, wherever you go and whatever your profession and position may be.


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