According to George Bernard
Shaw the absolute freedom means doing what one likes, when he likes and where
he likes. There can never be absolute freedom because whether we like it or not
we must sleep, eat, drink, wash and dress. We are expected to live and behave
in a certain way otherwise society will reject us. We cannot live in isolation.
We are slaves to necessities. Though we cannot avoid these natural jobs, we can
avoid work, which goes with them. We can get food and home and clothes from
others. “We can make others do most of the work for us.”
The Government enforces
slavery and calls it freedom. An ordinary man’s freedom is limited to choosing
between one master and another. It is government-regulated slavery. We are
supposed to govern ourselves with a vote.
But it does not change our status or reduce our work. We are fooled into
believing that we are free.
There are two types of
slavery. One, the natural slavery of man to Nature and two the unnatural
slavery of man to man. Nature forces us to eat, sleep, drink and set up a
family. This natural slavery is pleasant and essential. But the slavery of man
to man is hateful to the spirit. No man is good enough to be another man’s
master. It leads to the class war. For a peaceful and stable society abolition
of slavery is essential. Everyone must do his share of work. The master class,
through its parliaments and schools and newspapers, prevents common people from
realizing their slavery. When people grumble they are told that all their
miseries are of their own doing because they have the vote to elect their
government. They are told that the rich are taxed but not how much the poor
have to work. Those who protest against such imposture is called evil people
(anti-social elements). Everything is done to retain the slave order.
All this is meant to
deceive the common people, the master class is also deluded. All are deceived
by falsified history. Gentlemen are taught snobbery in their schools. A
gentleman is taught that he is superior to others who should work for him. He
believes that the system, which has put him in such a comfortable position is
the best one and whatever it says is right. So the slavery to man is
perpetuated methodically.
Aristotle held that the law
and order and government would be impossible unless the persons (the people)
have to obey beautifully dressed and decorated, speaking with special accent,
travelling in special carriages, and not doing anything that can be done
ordering some common man to do it. This means that they must be made very rich
to produce an impression of god like superiority. So the master class is an
artificial creation for convenience. In short, you must make men ignorant
idolaters to make them obedient workers. The common people themselves do not
vote for the members of their own class. When women were enfranchised they
defeated the women who stood for workers and elected a titled lady of great
wealth. This servility is the product of the manipulated education system.
Absolute freedom is
impossible since we have to obey nature and work to earn a living. Even during
our free time nature interferes. A man is at the mercy of his employer and the
landlord. Yet a lot of freedom or leisure is not good either for man or for
society in general. An idle man’s mind is devil’s workshop. If we have a lot of
wealth we may loose both health and happiness. Some restriction is necessary
for the health of society and some work is necessary for the health of human
A good summary.