Saturday, November 16, 2019

Twelfth Night - William Shakespeare

Twelfth Night – William Shakespeare

The Outline story of the play

The Shipwreck – the Heroine Viola is in trouble

The scene of the celebrated comic play “Twelfth Night” by William Shakespeare opens in Illyria, a country somewhere near Italy. There was a terrible storm and Viola, the heroine of the play, was ship-wrecked by the shores of Illyria. She reached the shore safely. But she was extremely sad and hopeless, for she thought that her beloved brother, Sebastian, who was also on the ship, had been drowned. However, the Captain of the ship told her that he had seen her brother swimming bravely, and it was just possible that he too had been saved. This encouraged Viola, and now she began to think of her future course of action. 

Viola’s Courage and her plan of Action

She was all alone in a strange and unknown country. She did not know anybody in Illyria. She was young and beautiful, and her youth exposed her to great danger. However, she did not lose heart. She decided to disguise herself as a boy and enter the service of Duke Orsino of Illyria. The Captain of the ship was a kind-hearted gentleman. He encouraged and helped Viola and also promised to keep her secret.

The Duke of Orsino of Illyria and his love for Olivia

Soon after reaching the shores of Illyria, Viola entered the service of Duke Orsino. She was disguised as a boy servant (page boy). By her tact and intelligence, she was soon able to win the confidence of the Duke. He was passionately in love with Lady Olivia, a rich Countess of the country. She was a rich heiress. At the time, she was mourning for the death of her brother, and had vowed that nobody, not even the sky, would see her face for full seven years. Hence all the messengers of the Duke had to return without seeing her. She would admit nobody to her presence.

Viola as the Messenger of Love

The Duke of Illyria (Duke Orsino) now told Viola the secret of his love for the Countess. He asked her to go to Olivia with his message of love, and not return without seeing her. Viola was now in a very difficult position. Unfortunately, she had herself fallen passionately in love with the Duke. She wanted him for herself. It is very difficult for a lady to court another when she herself is in love. But Viola decided to perform her duty to her master, honestly and sincerely. She would leave no stone unturned in the service of her master.

Viola’s tact and determination

Accordingly, she went to the home of Olivia. Her attendants tried to turn her away from the door. But she could not be put off her attempts very easily. She had a reply ready for everything. She could succeed where others had failed. On having been admitted into the presence of Olivia, she first praised her beauty in the most poetic language. Then she told her of the deep love of the Duke for her. Olivia at once rejected his love and asked her to tell her master that he should not send his messengers to her in future. She would never be able to love him. Before departing, Viola rebuked her for her pride and cruelty. Her master was young, handsome and rich. He was a noble and generous man. What else could she expect in husband? It was unreasonable in her to reject his sincere and true love.   

Olivia in Love with Viola: The Episode of the Rings

Viola’s beauty played havoc with the heart of Olivia. She took him to be a handsome young man and lost her heart to him. Her love was so violent that she wanted to see the youth (young man) once again and at the earliest. So, she thought of a clever plan. She gave a ring to her Steward, Malvolio. She told him that the youth (young man), the messenger of the Duke, had brought it from his master.  He had left it there against her will. She asked the Steward to run after the young man and return the ring. He should also ask the Duke’s messenger never to come to her again with his messenger of love. However, if he liked he could come to tell her how the Duke took her rejection.

The Love Triangle

According to the commands of his mistress, Malvolio returned the ring to Viola. She at once understood the truth. She had left no ring behind. It was love that had compelled the Countess to send her own ring to him. This was her clever plan to make her come to her home once again. Thus, there was a further complication in the play. Earlier a maiden loved a man but could not tell him of her love because she was disguised as a man. Now a maiden loved another maiden, thinking her to be a man. Thus, Viola’s disguise is responsible for this triangle of love in the play.

Sebastian: Further Complications

Further complication in the play is introduced, as well as resolved, by the arrival of Sebastian on the scene. He had been saved by a brave and kind sailor, Antonio. They also came to Illyria. As Antonio had once offended the Duke, he could not enter Illyria with safety. So, he stayed behind on his ship, but gave Sebastian his purse to meet his expenses. Sebastian closely resembled his sister Viola. They were twins, and if Viola were to wear a man’s dress, one could easily be mistaken for the other. That is what actually happened to further complicate matters.

The Foolish Sir Andrew: The Duel Episode

It so happened that Olivia had a kinsman, Sir Toby. He was a carefree person given to drinking and gambling. He, too, lived with her and often caused her much annoyance. At present he had been with a friend, Sir Andrew Aguecheek by name who had brought him there, promising that, if he was sufficiently bold in lovemaking, he would be able to marry his niece, the Countess. As he was a fool, Sir Toby exploited him and lived upon his purse. Sir Toby, Feste, the domestic fool of Olivia, and her maid, Maria, played many a trick upon him, and befooled him in various ways. Very cleverly, they made him believe that the young man, the messenger of the Duke, had come there to love Olivia. She too loved him and that was why she did not care for Sir Andrew. If he wanted her love, he should challenge his rival to a duel. Olivia would thus be convinced of his courage and would marry him, for in her heart of hearts she loved him.

The Arrival of Antonia: Mistaken Identities

Sir Andrew at once fell into the trap. He challenged Viola to a duel and sent the challenge through sir Toby. The challenge was not delivered, but Viola was frightened through invented stories of Sir Andrew’s ferocious nature. She escaped from Olivia’s residence in terror. Sir Andrew and others followed her. Overtaking her, Sir Andrew tried to strike her with his sword. However, just at the moment Antonio reached the scene and thinking Viola to be Sebastian intervened on her behalf. Viola was thus saved, but just then the officers of the Duke arrived at the spot and arrested Antonio. He was now in a great difficulty and asked Viola to return the purse that he gave her. Viola was much surprised. She could understand nothing. When she told Antonio that he gave her no purse, he abused her as false, and treacherous.

The Marriage of Olivia and Sebastian: Its significance

In the meanwhile, Olivia had been informed of the attack on the young messenger of the Duke. She at once sent Feste, her Jester, to bring him to her home. But Feste met Sebastian and thinking him to be the young man he was searching for carried him to his mistress. Sebastian was much surprised when Olivia expressed her passion for him and asked him to marry her secretly that very moment. However, he did not refuse, and so the two were married then and there by a priest. Sebastian then left her. Thus, it is the duel-episode which interlinks the main plot and the sub plot. It is through the duel that Olivia is married to Sebastian, and thus the way is opened for the marriage of Viola and the Duke.   

The resolution of Complications: Happy Denouement

Antonio was brought before the Duke. He was still cursing Viola. Viola also followed him and reached the palace. The Countess Olivia also came there and claimed Viola to be her husband. When Viola denied having married her, the priest was called as a witness. The Duke was now convinced that the youth, his messenger, was mean, cowardly and treacherous. Poor Viola had to face the anger of all. However, kind goddess Fortune came to her rescue. She was saved from a very difficult position by the arrival of Sebastian. Everything was now explained, and matters were set right. The Comedy thus ends on a happy note, with the ringing of marriage bells. 


Friday, November 15, 2019

Untouchable - Mulk Raj Anand

Untouchable – Mulk Raj Anand

Mulk Raj Anand, acclaimed as the Charles Dickens of Indian writing, focused on the everyday problem of pre-independence and post-independence of India. He is especially known to shed light on the lives of lower caste people who are treated with great bias and unfairness. Almost all of his novels and short stories like ‘Untouchable’, ‘Coolie’, ‘The Big Heart’, ‘Two Leaves and a Bud’, etc. touch the problems of the political structure, oppression of classes, un-touch-ability and so on. Untouchable is a novel written in the year 1935 and revolves around a day’s consequences in the life of Bakha. There are no chapters in the book; hence, they are split to different sections for the convenience of the reader

Bakha’s Family

Bakha lives in a house made of mud and has only one room. He lives along with his father Lakha, brother Rakha and sister Sohini. Lakha works as a sweeper and is the leader for the sweepers of the town. The town they live in is Bulashah (imaginary place) and their community of outcaste’s restricted to a colony near the latrines of the town.

Bakha always thinks of his friends and is almost obsessed with the ‘English’ way of living. He and his friends call the Englishmen ‘Tommies’ and try to imitate them in everything. Lakha constantly abuses his son for having such an interest on the Englishmen. As Bakha reminiscences on several things while on bed, his father abuses him for not going to clean the latrines. However, he does not care and thinks of his mother who died. He believes that abusing done by his father started only after the death of his mother. He constantly ignores the words of Lakha when he hears another voice ordering for cleaning the latrine.

As Bakha hears the voice of Havildar Charat Singh, he immediately attends to his duty. He does not soil himself showing that he has great proficiency in his job. Singh comes out after taking care of his daily oblations and reveals his idea of gifting a hockey stick to the boy. As Charat Singh is a great hockey player, Bakha feels really happy about the promise. Bakha resumes his work with joy as many people enter and exit the bathrooms. He collects the refuse to a chimney and completes his job for the shift. He goes to home only to find that Lakha is sleeping and there is no water to drink. Sohini offers to fetch water.

Sohini goes for water

No outcaste is allowed to directly take water from the well and water can be acquired only through the mercy of a high caste person. As Sohini reaches well with a pitcher, she observes many outcastes waiting for any compassionate individual to help with the water. She waits with others for a sympathetic higher caste person. The waiting group has a washerwoman named Gulabo who is very jealous of Sohini. She starts to use derogatory words such as prostitute, bitch, etc. and Sohini feels that she is joking. However, she does not stop and increases her verbal abuse making Sohini to realise that intentions of Gulabo are real. She wonders about her doings that made Gulabo to feel that way. Gulabo even tries to hit Sohini but Waziro – wife of a weaver, stops her. Sohini shocked by the incident stays calm and thinks about thirsty Bakha.

Meanwhile, a sepoy comes to the well to fetch water. Unfortunately, he does not listen to the pleading of the outcastes and leaves. Shortly, priest and in charge of temples – Pundit Kali Nath, comes to the well. He is pursued by the women as he finally accepts to pour water from his pitcher to theirs. Gulabo cries out that she came first and the rest claim the same. However, Sohini stays out from the group and waits for Kali Nath to give water. He observes this and looks at Sohini. He gets attracted by the face of her and the way she refuses to join the group. Therefore, he asks her to come forward and pours water into the pitcher. Further, he asks her to come to the temple for cleaning. She accepts his order and returns to home with water.

As she reaches home Lakha yells for being late and uses derogatory words. He orders her to gather her brothers as he intends to say something. However, Rakha escapes to play and Bakha is the only one to be in the house. As Bakha nears his father, Lakha acts as if he is ill and makes Bakha to fill his duty as a sweeper. Bakha reluctantly accepts as he is completely aware of the fake nature of the illness. He drinks tea and walks towards the temple where he needs to sweep.

Bakha and his friends

Bakha, while walking towards the town, observes that the air fresh and clean outside the colony. He stands on the road enjoying the sun unaware that his friends Ram Charan and Chota along with his brother Rakha are watching him. They make fun of Bakha for his weird behaviour and jokes about it.

Ram Charan, the son of Gulabo, declares that his sister is about to get married that day. Bakha feels a bit sad because he has feelings for her. Chota enquires about his duties for the day, when Bakha orders Rakha to clean the latrines in the colony as he is out for another duty. However, Rakha doesn’t seem interested and walks towards his home. The rest force Bakha to join for gambling but he refuses to skip his duties.

As Bakha tries to move towards the town, two boys come to them. They are the sons of a high caste man named Burra Babu and Bakha greets them well. They discuss about hockey and agree to play later that day. When one of the boys says that it is time for school, Bakha’s curiosity immediately increases as he always wanted to know about schools and teaching. Therefore, he offers one Anna for a lesson to the eldest of the two boys. He accepts and says that they can meet again to begin with the lessons. Chota and Ram Charan joke at the interests of Bakha. He takes them lightly and walks towards the town with great anticipations that day.

Touching a High Caste

Bakha buys a cigarette and takes the coal to light up from a Muslim. He enjoys being in town absorbing every scene and sound he could. He gets attracted to some sweets and shrugs off the fear of his father who would abuse him for spending money on such things. He asks the shopkeeper to give candy for four annas and the shopkeeper cheats the boy by weighing the scale incorrectly. Despite knowing this Bakha does not protest and takes what he is given. He feels happy for the fact that he has some candy to eat and he munches them while walking.

He stands and observes the advertising boards when a high caste man runs into Bakha. Although, Bakha is not to blame for the hurriedness of the high caste man, he starts abusing him and starts shouting about his presence so that others could know. Bakha pleads his apology but the man won’t listen and soon a huge crowd circles him. His option of escaping is closed out as he needs to touch someone if he has to escape the circle. All of them start to insult Bakha for his actions and falsely accuse him of previous actions.

Fortunately, for Bakha, a horse buggy with a travel merchant comes to the road scattering the people gathered around. However, the high caste man stays despite many urges from the merchant and only leaves after giving a hard slap to Bakha. Many emotions flow from the furious and crying Bakha like anger, frustration, indignation, horror, etc. Bakha decides to take revenge when the travel merchant tries to console him. Bakha gets up to leave when a shopkeeper reminds about chant of the untouchables. He starts to sing the chant as he walks forward to the temple.

Bakha is confronted with many questions after that incident. He could not understand the humility shown by him despite the arrogant behaviour of the public. He regrets for not hitting the high caste man when receiving a slap for no reason. He questions the relevance of the system, wonders about the reason for untouchables to get abused. Bakha realizes that his duty of cleaning latrines makes him repugnant to everyone in the society.

The Temple

Bakha after observing the happenings of the town finally reaches the temple. Being in such a tranquil place gives him peace as he starts to work. He sees some worshipers approaching and starts to chant his presence to avoid the same treatment again. As he is not supposed to enter the temple, Bakha is always curious about the worship and the prayers used. He listens to the prayers with joy but does not understand the words. He does not understand who the gods are! Therefore wonders who is Narayan, Shanti Deva, Hari, etc. Curiosity increases within him and slowly approaches the entrance. Suddenly, he becomes discouraged and returns to his work.

After completing the clean-up, Bakha tries to see the inside of the temple again and goes to the top stair. He observes the temple, the priests, the hymns, the worshippers and is in a divine state. Unfortunately, he hears someone shouting “polluted, polluted!” and alarmingly falls down in a prostrate position. Slowly, he realizes that the cry was not meant for him but for his sister – Sohini.

Pundit Kali Nath accuses Sohini for intentionally touching him and abuses her in many ways. The worshipers lead her and Bakha forcefully out of the stairs. Sohini explains that Pundit Kali Nath has tried to touch her, which infuriates Bakha. He holds her sister and comes near the stairs to spat at the people for not realizing what has actually happened. As Bakha starts to talk in rage all the worshipers remain calm with fear. However, Sohini realizes that it could end up bad, convinces Bakha to leave the matter and leave the Temple. Bakha is filled with rage but understands that he is not able to cross the barriers set by traditions and experiences of the past. Therefore, he asks Sohini to go back home while he leaves to collect food for the day.

High Caste Woman

Bakha goes from street to street to beg some food so that his family could eat. No one shows pity for him and he finally gets tired of begging. Bakha sits in front of a house and naps. A Sadhu comes to the same house and his voice wakes the boy. At the same time a woman comes out of the house and is aghast by the presence of Bakha at the doorstep. She abuses him and Bakha moves away from the door.

Another woman comes out and gives some food to the Sadhu and a Chapatti to Bakha with the same kindness. She exits and the first woman comes with some food to Sadhu and orders Bakha to clean a gutter before receiving any alms. He does so and she asks to clean the bathroom, which he does. Then, the higher caste woman throws bread into the ground for Bakha to pick. Unable to do anything, Bakha picks the bread and frustrated throws his work-broom. The woman criticises the lower castes in common that they are getting too much excited these days.

The Doctor

Bakha reaches home desolated only to find his father’s frustration for brining just two pieces of bread. Rakha is not home as usual and is said to fetch food for the family from the barracks. As Lakha asks about small amounts of food collected, Bakha says that he is not aware of many people in the town. Lakha says that he needs to know people as it is the only way to get food in the future. However, Lakha sees some distress in his son and asks about it. Bakha explains the happenings of the day and feels very sad.

Lakha tries to convince his son that high caste people are far superior to them in everything. Therefore, it is their duty to respect them without any questioning. He reveals about a doctor who saved Bakha from severe illness. When Bakha was only a child, he was sick with fever that was not healed. Therefore, Lakha goes to a doctor of high caste to get help. Lakha stood outside the home of the doctor pleading everyone entering to pass the massage to the doctor. No one helped and he cannot even buy medicine [although having money] for he is not allowed to be in the place. Lakha desperate comes back to see if his son is alive and to his great fortune he is alive.

But, he notices that the child was barely able to take breaths and runs back to the doctor. This time he does not wait and enters to the chamber directly not thinking about the circumstances. He, at once, falls at the feet of the doctor while other patients scream and run because of his presence. Not minding them and the furious doctor, Lakha explains the situation and begs the doctor to help.

The doctor understands and starts to write medicine when Lakha’s brother enters and announces that Bakha is about die. Lakha not taking the prescription rushes back to the house to look at his son. As the parents cry dejectedly, the doctor knocks the door. The high cast doctor enters the house of Lakha and saves the life of Bakha. After hearing the story, Bakha feels so happy but controls his emotions.

They have a conversation about Rakha and wonder where he is. He soon appears with some food from the barracks. However, Bakha feels that the food is collected from the water used to wash hands after eating. This idea repels Bakha from eating and makes an excuse of attending the marriage of Ram Charan’s sister.

The Wedding

Bakha moves towards the wedding thinking about the sister of Ram Charan. Both of them used to play together when they were children and once they contemplated marriage through a game. They were even married in that game and Bakha always had feelings for her. As he enters the area of the wedding, he is too shy to enter directly into washer-man wedding. He is afraid of Gulabo as she has acquired a name of having great hatred towards people.

Fortunately, Chota appears and together they try to get the attention of Ram Charan who is busy eating sugarplums. When they do get his attention, Gulabo also watches and chases them away. Rama Charan also runs with them towards the hills. Bakha contemplates on the beauty of nature and falls back while his friends move forward. He drinks from a natural pool in the hill and tries to take a nap. As he sleeps, Chota tickles his nose making Bakha to sneeze louder with a weird noise. He laughs along with other but not in a natural way arising suspicions. The two inquire Bakha, but he says that it is nothing to worry about.

Bakha then asks Ram Charan to give his lot of sugarplums. Ram Charan opens a hand kerchief and asks Bakha to take a sugarplum. However, Bakha refuses and asks Ram Charan to throw one so that he can catch. This dismays Ram Charan as well as Chota who understand that something is terribly wrong with their friend. There was no difference between them previously as they ate together and shared the same bottle of soda. So, they pressure Bakha to reveal the reason for such behaviour. Bakha confesses about the three incidents that took place earlier.

Ram Charan feels ashamed of the behaviour of the high caste people and remains silent. Chota tries to console Bakha and shows great frustration towards the way they are treated. However, he resorts to cheering his friend and reminds about the hockey game. He also offers to take revenge on the priest for his treatment of Sohini. Ram Charan reminds them that if he needs to attend the game, then it is imperative to go home now. All of them head back and decide a time to meet. Chota leaves home and Bakha moves towards the place of Charat Singh to receive a hockey stick as promised.

Charat Singh

Charat Singh lives in a deserted barracks where there is no one. Only two sentries who stand guard a solar topee can be seen. There are many legends surrounding the topee and Bakha was always attracted to it. He even thought to steal it in order to possess the topee. However, his plans to have the topee diminished over the years. Bakha observes the topee and wonders if his courage witnessed in his younger days is declining. He hesitates to talk to the sentries about the hat and leaves to the house in fear of insults. The door is closed at the house of the Charat Singh and he waits outside for someone to open the door. After a while, Charat Singh comes out and does not notice Bakha. So, he gently calls out for Charat Singh and he greets him gladly.

He enquires about the absence of Bakha in recent hockey games for which the boy tells that he has to perform his duties. However, Charat Singh tries to emphasise the importance of the game (earlier that morning he wants the latrine to be cleaned by Bakha) and tells the boy that he can ignore the work. Despite observing the contradictory ideas of the hockey player, Bakha is happy to spend time with him as he is a famous player of the game.

Charat Singh asks Bakha to enter the house and bring some coal from the kitchen. Bakha becomes astonished to realise that Charat Singh being a Hindu is fine with him entering the house. He enters into the house with great joy and is filled with love towards Charat Singh. He collects the coal from a cook and hurries back to the hockey player. Then Charat Singh gives a new hockey stick to Bakha. He denies having a new stick as a gift, but the hockey player asks him to take the stick and go. Bakha receives his gift and is overwhelmed with joy and thinks that he has good fortunes. As he leaves the house, he immediately thinks about the lessons promised by the elder son of Burra Babu.

Game of Hockey

Burra Babu’s youngest son brings all the hockey gear needed to play. Chota tells everyone that Bakha is a bearer to a Sahib to mask his true identity. Bakha shows his new hockey stick and everyone congratulates him. Unfortunately, the youngest son does not get to play and is dejected. To console him Bakha gives a task of protecting his overcoat which means so much to him. As the game begins Bakha proves to be a wonderful player with no equal in the field. He moves swiftly between the opponents and scores a goal for his team. This infuriates the goal keeper who hits the leg of Bakha.

Chota orders his team to attack and everyone starts fighting. They throw rocks without observing the young son of Burra Babu is amongst them. A stone thrown by Ram Charan hits his head and he falls unconscious and bleeding. Bakha rushes him to his house expecting some treatment to the kid. As he reaches the home, he is abused by the mother for attacking the child. Bakha is shell shocked and the elder son tries to say that it was Ram Charan’s fault. The boy’s mother does not listen and constantly abuses Bakha for the condition of his son. He withdraws from the place and realises that her hatredness is because of his untouchability.

He walks back home dispirited expecting more abuses from his father. He hides the hockey stick under a cactus bush and enters his home. Lakha and Rakha abuse him for being away from the house leaving them to work. As things get more serious, Lakha shouts at Bakha to leave the house and asks him to never come back. Bakha could not control his rage and bursts through the house leaving his family. He runs towards the plains without even looking back at the colony or thinking about anything associated with his life.


Bakha after running a fair distance settles under a pipal tree [sacred fig]. He expects someone to come and relieve him from his sufferings. However, he understands that such expectations are wrong and impossible.But, Colonel Hutchinson comes near the tree and tries to comfort him. Now, the Colonel is a party of the Christian Salvation Army trying to convert untouchables into Christianity. His wife often chides him for his incapability and wasting time on untouchables. Bakha is surprised to see an Englishman laying his hand on him. They introduce each other and the Colonel talks about Jesus. Bakha inquires who Jesus is and the Colonel says that he will explain everything in the Church.

Colonel Hutchison starts to drag the boy to the Church and singing songs about God. Bakha cannot understand a thing and wonders the difference between Jesus and Ram or any other God. Gradually, he becomes bored of the hymns but bears it because he likes the presence of an Englishman. He begins to dream about wearing trousers similar to that of the Colonel.

Even his thoughts do not create interest as Bakha tries to escape from the Colonel. Observing the growing disinterest, the Colonel says that Jesus died for the sins of mankind. This piece of information does not attract the boy; therefore, Colonel Hutchison claims that Jesus treats Brahmins and the Untouchables in the same way with equality. Bakha is immediately attracted to the words of equality, but loses his interest as the Colonel starts to blabber so many religious aspects.

Finally, they reach the Church compound with Bakha hoping for a trouser and Hutchinson hoping for a new convert. Then, the Colonel’s wife shouts at him to join her for tea. He says that he will come but could not decide whether to attend Bakha or his wife. As he stands there wondering, his wife comes and shouts at the presence of Bakha by calling him a ‘blackie’ indirectly. She screams about Bhangis and Chamars making Bakha to grow fearful of the two. He takes leave from them and runs away from the Church. A helpless Colonel Hutchison watches as Bakha runs off from his grasp.

Mahatma Gandhi

Bakha is very upset to see that everyone blames the untouchables as if they had done some mistake. He feels that the hatred shown by the Colonel's wife was much greater than the Hindus he encountered that day. Unknowing where he is going he reaches the railroad station of Bulashah. A train seems to approach and all the people shout about the coming of Mahatma Gandhi. All of them are in white and are walking towards Golbagh where Gandhi is expected to address the gathering.

The term Mahatma creates great curiosity in the mind of Bakha wanting him to join the crowd. As Bakha does not have his tools, the crowd do not realise that an untouchable is standing amongst them. He observes that there are different kinds of people in the crowd. He could easily identify 'who is who' by their mannerisms and attire. As he looks forward, there are many people in front of him and he decides to take a shortcut from a nearby marsh. Some people follow him and they end up much closer to the oval [stage] where Gandhi would talk. Bakha decides to stay under a tree and leans against it.

The men around discuss about the struggles and achievements of Gandhi. They talks about the political progress he could bring and his dedication towards uplifting people who are called untouchables. Gandhi has done fasting for the sake of untouchables and Bakha is grateful that at least someone is trying to help them. A motorcar enters from which Gandhi along with his wife and daughter of a British admiral come out. He reaches the centre of the oval and greets the crowd.

Mahatma Gandhi begins by praying to the Gods and Bakha feels purged of all the filth of the day. He begins his speech with the mention of imprisonment for protesting against the rule of British. He agrees that the Government has let him out by making an agreement of 'not speaking against' British Government. Therefore, he declares that he would speak on another important problem i.e. untouchability. Gandhi says that the people are being oppressed both by the British rule and the unscrupulous principles followed in the society. He emphasises:

‘I regard untouchability as the greatest blot of Hinduism. The view of mine dates back to the time when I was a child.’

Gandhi relates a story from his childhood, where he would untouchables and conceal the fact from his parents. Bakha listens many things like abandoning practices like drinking, scavenging, eating carrions and gambling. Although, they seem to criticise the untouchables he understands the importance of them. Gandhi says that untouchables should never take anything that is left over from plates. He states that only good food and grain must be accepted. Bakha feels that Gandhi should tell the same to his father so he could understand the importance of these things. Mahatma even declares that untouchables should have access to temples, schools, wells, etc. The speech ends and Mahatma Gandhi pass by Bakha. The boy is spellbound by the speech and remains near the tree.

The Muslim and the Poet

As Mahatma Gandhi slowly leaves with the crowd behind him a Muslim calls him a hypocrite. Bakha identifies him as a Muslim and the young man who protests such claims as a poet. The poet agrees that Gandhi has indeed made some mistakes but he has achieved a force to attract the nation towards freedom. He states that India is abundant in philosophy, resources and knowledge of living. Someone in the crowd identifies the poet to be Iqbal Nath Sarshar. The Muslim is identified as Mr. R. N. Bashir, a lawyer.

Bashir expresses his dislike towards the concept of eradication of untouchability by Gandhi. The dislike alone surprises Iqbal as he believes that the issue is the most legible of all. Then he explains about the origin of untouchables, which is the creation of some cruel Brahmins who do not know how to interpret the Holy texts. He emphasises that such creations of men can be easily destroyed through proper effort. People are following the system based on the work done by the untouchables and according to Iqbal if people start to use the ‘Flush System’ then there would be no need of human intervention. The latrines would be clean without humans and cleaning profession would completely vanish resulting in the eradication of the untouchables. Bashir cannot respond to the claims of Iqbal and they leave.

Bakha wants to listen to the discussion as it gives solutions to the problems in his mind. He is cleansed of all the bad things that happened on that day. Bakha then decides to follow the instructions given by Mahatma Gandhi. He understands that having a flush system would decrease the problems faced by untouchables and heads back home to say all these things to his father.


"నమశ్శివాయ" అనగా....

  " నమశ్శివాయ "   అనగా ....   “ ఓం   నమశ్శివాయ ”  అనే   మంత్రంలో   “ న  –  మ  –  శి  –  వా  –  య ”   అన్నపంచాక్షరాలు ఉన్నాయి   కదా...