Saturday, November 16, 2019

Twelfth Night - William Shakespeare

Twelfth Night – William Shakespeare

The Outline story of the play

The Shipwreck – the Heroine Viola is in trouble

The scene of the celebrated comic play “Twelfth Night” by William Shakespeare opens in Illyria, a country somewhere near Italy. There was a terrible storm and Viola, the heroine of the play, was ship-wrecked by the shores of Illyria. She reached the shore safely. But she was extremely sad and hopeless, for she thought that her beloved brother, Sebastian, who was also on the ship, had been drowned. However, the Captain of the ship told her that he had seen her brother swimming bravely, and it was just possible that he too had been saved. This encouraged Viola, and now she began to think of her future course of action. 

Viola’s Courage and her plan of Action

She was all alone in a strange and unknown country. She did not know anybody in Illyria. She was young and beautiful, and her youth exposed her to great danger. However, she did not lose heart. She decided to disguise herself as a boy and enter the service of Duke Orsino of Illyria. The Captain of the ship was a kind-hearted gentleman. He encouraged and helped Viola and also promised to keep her secret.

The Duke of Orsino of Illyria and his love for Olivia

Soon after reaching the shores of Illyria, Viola entered the service of Duke Orsino. She was disguised as a boy servant (page boy). By her tact and intelligence, she was soon able to win the confidence of the Duke. He was passionately in love with Lady Olivia, a rich Countess of the country. She was a rich heiress. At the time, she was mourning for the death of her brother, and had vowed that nobody, not even the sky, would see her face for full seven years. Hence all the messengers of the Duke had to return without seeing her. She would admit nobody to her presence.

Viola as the Messenger of Love

The Duke of Illyria (Duke Orsino) now told Viola the secret of his love for the Countess. He asked her to go to Olivia with his message of love, and not return without seeing her. Viola was now in a very difficult position. Unfortunately, she had herself fallen passionately in love with the Duke. She wanted him for herself. It is very difficult for a lady to court another when she herself is in love. But Viola decided to perform her duty to her master, honestly and sincerely. She would leave no stone unturned in the service of her master.

Viola’s tact and determination

Accordingly, she went to the home of Olivia. Her attendants tried to turn her away from the door. But she could not be put off her attempts very easily. She had a reply ready for everything. She could succeed where others had failed. On having been admitted into the presence of Olivia, she first praised her beauty in the most poetic language. Then she told her of the deep love of the Duke for her. Olivia at once rejected his love and asked her to tell her master that he should not send his messengers to her in future. She would never be able to love him. Before departing, Viola rebuked her for her pride and cruelty. Her master was young, handsome and rich. He was a noble and generous man. What else could she expect in husband? It was unreasonable in her to reject his sincere and true love.   

Olivia in Love with Viola: The Episode of the Rings

Viola’s beauty played havoc with the heart of Olivia. She took him to be a handsome young man and lost her heart to him. Her love was so violent that she wanted to see the youth (young man) once again and at the earliest. So, she thought of a clever plan. She gave a ring to her Steward, Malvolio. She told him that the youth (young man), the messenger of the Duke, had brought it from his master.  He had left it there against her will. She asked the Steward to run after the young man and return the ring. He should also ask the Duke’s messenger never to come to her again with his messenger of love. However, if he liked he could come to tell her how the Duke took her rejection.

The Love Triangle

According to the commands of his mistress, Malvolio returned the ring to Viola. She at once understood the truth. She had left no ring behind. It was love that had compelled the Countess to send her own ring to him. This was her clever plan to make her come to her home once again. Thus, there was a further complication in the play. Earlier a maiden loved a man but could not tell him of her love because she was disguised as a man. Now a maiden loved another maiden, thinking her to be a man. Thus, Viola’s disguise is responsible for this triangle of love in the play.

Sebastian: Further Complications

Further complication in the play is introduced, as well as resolved, by the arrival of Sebastian on the scene. He had been saved by a brave and kind sailor, Antonio. They also came to Illyria. As Antonio had once offended the Duke, he could not enter Illyria with safety. So, he stayed behind on his ship, but gave Sebastian his purse to meet his expenses. Sebastian closely resembled his sister Viola. They were twins, and if Viola were to wear a man’s dress, one could easily be mistaken for the other. That is what actually happened to further complicate matters.

The Foolish Sir Andrew: The Duel Episode

It so happened that Olivia had a kinsman, Sir Toby. He was a carefree person given to drinking and gambling. He, too, lived with her and often caused her much annoyance. At present he had been with a friend, Sir Andrew Aguecheek by name who had brought him there, promising that, if he was sufficiently bold in lovemaking, he would be able to marry his niece, the Countess. As he was a fool, Sir Toby exploited him and lived upon his purse. Sir Toby, Feste, the domestic fool of Olivia, and her maid, Maria, played many a trick upon him, and befooled him in various ways. Very cleverly, they made him believe that the young man, the messenger of the Duke, had come there to love Olivia. She too loved him and that was why she did not care for Sir Andrew. If he wanted her love, he should challenge his rival to a duel. Olivia would thus be convinced of his courage and would marry him, for in her heart of hearts she loved him.

The Arrival of Antonia: Mistaken Identities

Sir Andrew at once fell into the trap. He challenged Viola to a duel and sent the challenge through sir Toby. The challenge was not delivered, but Viola was frightened through invented stories of Sir Andrew’s ferocious nature. She escaped from Olivia’s residence in terror. Sir Andrew and others followed her. Overtaking her, Sir Andrew tried to strike her with his sword. However, just at the moment Antonio reached the scene and thinking Viola to be Sebastian intervened on her behalf. Viola was thus saved, but just then the officers of the Duke arrived at the spot and arrested Antonio. He was now in a great difficulty and asked Viola to return the purse that he gave her. Viola was much surprised. She could understand nothing. When she told Antonio that he gave her no purse, he abused her as false, and treacherous.

The Marriage of Olivia and Sebastian: Its significance

In the meanwhile, Olivia had been informed of the attack on the young messenger of the Duke. She at once sent Feste, her Jester, to bring him to her home. But Feste met Sebastian and thinking him to be the young man he was searching for carried him to his mistress. Sebastian was much surprised when Olivia expressed her passion for him and asked him to marry her secretly that very moment. However, he did not refuse, and so the two were married then and there by a priest. Sebastian then left her. Thus, it is the duel-episode which interlinks the main plot and the sub plot. It is through the duel that Olivia is married to Sebastian, and thus the way is opened for the marriage of Viola and the Duke.   

The resolution of Complications: Happy Denouement

Antonio was brought before the Duke. He was still cursing Viola. Viola also followed him and reached the palace. The Countess Olivia also came there and claimed Viola to be her husband. When Viola denied having married her, the priest was called as a witness. The Duke was now convinced that the youth, his messenger, was mean, cowardly and treacherous. Poor Viola had to face the anger of all. However, kind goddess Fortune came to her rescue. She was saved from a very difficult position by the arrival of Sebastian. Everything was now explained, and matters were set right. The Comedy thus ends on a happy note, with the ringing of marriage bells. 


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