Saturday, March 14, 2020

Madam and Her Madam - Langston Huges

Madam and Her Madam
Langston Hughes - 1902-1967

I worked for a woman,
She wasn't mean—
But she had a twelve-room
House to clean.
Had to get breakfast,
Dinner, and supper, too—
Then take care of her children
When I got through.
Wash, iron, and scrub,
Walk the dog around—
[mp1] It was too much,
Nearly broke me down.
I said, Madam,
Can it be
You trying to make a
[mp3] out of me?
She opened her mouth.
She cried, Oh, no!
You know, Alberta,
I love you so!
I said, Madam,
That may be true—
But I'll be dogged
If I love you!

 [mp1]Taking her Mistress’s dog for outing  for daily exercise
 [mp2]Broke down with tiredness  
 [mp3]Packhorse used to carry loads: the ore had to be transported back packhorse.
A pack horse refers to a horse, mule, donkey or pony used to carry goods on its back, usually packhorses are used to cross difficult terrain, where the absence of roads prevents the use of wheeled vehicles, use of pack horses dates from the Neolithic period to the present day.

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