Saturday, May 02, 2020

Style of Presentation

Style of Presentation:

There are varieties of styles in presentation as you can think off. There are en-number of presentation styles. But I wanted to discuss here only about two types presentations.

One is customised style of presentation

And other is non-customised style of presentation

The style of presentation depends upon the choice of an individual who is presenting the presentation to the audience.

Generally, in customised style of presentation the presenter has to organise the points in a logical sequence, similar to the sequence of a textbook and present all points in a sequential order. This style of presentation is only suitable for short presentations lasting for fifteen to twenty minutes and also it is suitable style to make a presentation before an interested adult audience.

The above style of presentation may not be suitable for a group of audience who are not so motivated and for whom the topic is new and unfamiliar. For such audience, the textbook method or serial style may create boredom and monotony during the presentation.

Instead of customised or traditional style a presenter should adopt a different style that is customised style of presentation which can create ‘Cognitive dissonance’ (a kind of disbelief) among the audience to arouse their curiosity and interest. This could attract the “not-so-motivated” listeners towards the topic.

This unique style of presentation sustains the audience’s interest and motivation and ensure their active participation in the session where in you are presenting presentation. Such presentations are likely to yield better results and better feedback from the audience.  This style of presentation is very useful when the topic of your choice is highly theoretical and complex. These attempts in the strategies of presentation can surely make a great impact on the audience.


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