Monday, May 24, 2021

IQ Test - 1

 IQ Test – 1  


1.     Create two words using the following ten letters each once only.

Clue: grand tune (4, 6)




2.     Which is the odd one out?


ISTHMUS      FJORD            ATOLL           POLDER        ARCHIPELAGO



3.     CARTON               ENJOYMENT                 WORDSMITH

Which of the following words continues the above sequence?


COPY             REEF              COPE              REST              ACHE



4.     What word in brackets means the same as the word in capitals?


FORTE           (endowment, conduct, talent, redoubt, style)



5.     What number comes next in the sequence?


25, 32, 27, 36,? 



6.     Place two letters in each bracket so that these finish the word on the left and start the word on the right. The letters in the brackets, read downwards in pairs, will spell out a six-letter word.

Clue: (blue pencil)


FA (- -) SK

HO (- -) AN

KI (- -) AR 



7.     A car travels at a speed of 40 mph over a certain distance and then returns over the same distance at a speed of 60 mph. What is the average speed for the total journey? 











a.     Stampede

b.     Forward

c.     Across

d.     Retrace

e.     towards


9.     What do the following words have in common?


Legumes,        Quashed,         Affirms,          Cloaked



10.  What number should replace the question mark?


926 : 24

797 : 72

956 : ?



11.  Solve the anagrams to complete a quotation by Confucius.

Clue: Save something for a rainy day.


 When /P - - - p - - - - -/  /c - - - - , - - n - -/    /- -e / a - - / - - / it /. 

            /Soppy trier/          /demon coots/       /foul ales/



12.  Add one letter, not necessarily the letter, to each word at the front, end or middle to find two words that are opposite in meaning.





13.  What well-known proverb in opposite in meaning to the below?


Beware of Greeks bearing gifts



14.  If meat in a river (3 in 6) is T(HAM)ES, can you find the path in celestial body (4 in 6)?


 P (- - - -) T

15.  In the two numerical sequence below, one number that appears in the to sequence should appear in the bottom sequence and vice versa. Which two numbers should be changed round?


10, 20, 31, 43, 54, 70

10, 18, 28, 40, 56, 70



16.  Place a word in the brackets that meant the same as the definitions outside the brackets.


Ringlet            (                  )               clasp


17.  A man weighs 75% of his own weight plus 39lbs. How much does he weight?






18.  A sample of eight gizmos. What is the probability of selecting three defective gizmos in the first three selections?







19.  Select two words that are synonyms plus an antonym of these two synonyms, from the list of words below. 


Optical,           Vigilant,          Rotund,           Manifest,         Remiss,           Feasible, 






20.  Change one letter only in each word below to form a familiar phrase.  



Aid      They    Sore



key will be published after 7 days from this date

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