Saturday, August 19, 2023




D.H. Lawrence’s poem “Snake” is complex and evocative piece that explores themes of human nature, respect for nature, and the conflict between intellect and instinct. The poem is written in first person and describes an encounter between speaker and a snake that comes to drink at the speaker’s water trough. The speaker is initially dilled with conflicting emotions of fear and fascination as they observe the snake.


Throughout the poem, Lawrence delves into the speaker’s thoughts and emotions, highlighting their internal struggle between the fear instilled by societal norms and the instinctual respect for nature and its creatures. The snake is depicted as majestic and ancient creature, embodying a sense of primordial wisdom and natural rhythm.


The turning point of the poem occurs when the speaker decides to act on their instincts and not succumb to the fear-driven impulse to kill the snake. Instead, the speaker allows the snake to drink peacefully and even consider it a kind of honoured guest. This choice represents a moment of revelation for the speaker, as they come to realize the beauty and significance of coexisting with nature without trying to dominate or destroy it. 


The poem concludes with a sense of regret and longing as the snake slowly retreats into the undergrowth. The speaker reflects on their own inability to fully embrace their instinctual connection with nature due to societal constraints and the conditioning of civilization.


In summary, “Snake” by D.H. Lawrence is a reflective and introspective poem that uses the encounter with a snake as a metaphor for exploring the tension between human intellect and primal instincts, as well as the desire to find harmony with the natural world. 



mastanappa puletipalli

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