Monday, October 21, 2024

A Few Questions on Literary Knowledge

 A few questions on Literary Knowledge


1.     Which novel has a nameless narrator?

a.     Moby Dick

b.     Anne Karenina

c.     Invisible Man

d.     The Grapes of Wrath


2.     Samuel Beckett wrote….

a.     Volpone

b.     Mother Courage and Her Children

c.     A Doll’s House

d.     Endgame


3.     Which one of the following author-book pair is correctly matched?

a.     Elfriede Jelinek – The Pianist

b.     J. M. Cootzee – Shame

c.     Saul Bellow – Herzog

d.     Salman Rushdie – Disgrace


4.     The Plough and the ‘Stars’ was written by—

a.     G. B. Shaw

b.     Sean O’Casey

c.     Lady Gregory

d.     J. M. Synge


5.     Willy Loman is a character in—

a.     Waiting for Godot

b.     A Doll’s House

c.     The Cherry Orchard

d.     The Death of a Salesman


6.     John Evellyn and Samuel Pepys were the famous writers of—


a.     Editorials

b.     Letters

c.     Essays

d.     Diaries


7.     The subtitle of Dryden’s Absalom and Achitophel is—


a.     There was no Subtitle

b.     A poem

c.     A Satire

d.     A satire on the True Blue Protestant Poets


8.      Who of the following is not a periodical essayist?


a.     Richard Steele

b.     Lancelot Andrews

c.     Joseph Addison

d.     Jonathan Swift


9.     Did he who made the Lamb made thee” appears in—


a.     “Introduction”

b.     “The Tyger”

c.     “Chimney Sweeper”

d.     “London”


10.   Which of the following thinker-concept pairs is rightly matched?


a.     I. A. Richards – Archetypal criticism

b.     Northrop Frye – Practical criticism

c.     Jacqes Devide – New Historicim

d.     Stanley Fish – Reader Respnse


11.  Essays of Elia” are—


a.     Economic disparity

b.     Literary criticism

c.     Political ideology

d.     Personal impressions


12.  Which of the following thinker-concept pairs is rightly matched?


a.     Mamata – Vakrokti

b.     Abhinava Gupta – Kavya Alankar

c.     Bharata – Natya Shastra

d.     Vaman – Dhwanyaloka


13.  Choose the correct sequence of the following schools of criticism—


a.     Deconstruction, New Criticism, Structuralism, Reader Response

b.     Reader Response, Deconstruction, structuralism, New Criticism

c.     New Criticism, Structuralism, Deconstruction, Reader Response

d.     Structuralism, New Criticism, Deconstruction, Reader Response


14.  “Peripeteia” means—


a.     Tragic flaw

b.     Recognition of error

c.     Purgation of emotion

d.     Reversal of fortune


15.   “Gynocriticism” focuses on—


a.     Criticism of male writers by women writers

b.     Criticism on women

c.     Criticism by women

d.     Women as writers


16.  Samuel Butler’s Hudibras is modelled upon—


a.     Don Quixote

b.     Endymion

c.     “Annus Mirabilis”

d.     Pilgrim’s Progress


17.   Who was the last of the Christian Humanists?


a.     John Bunyan

b.     Oliver Cromwell

c.     John Milton

d.     Richard Crashaw


18.  The narrative of Raja Rao’s Kanthapura is based on—


a.     The Ramayana

b.     The Mahabharata

c.     Puranas

d.     Shastras


19.  Which of the following author-book pair is correctly matched?


a.     Arundhati Roy – Algebra of infinite Justice

b.     Sashi Tharoor – Trotter’s Name

c.     C. L. R James – The English Patient

d.     David Madouf – The City of Djins


20.  Who wrote “A tiger does not proclaim its tigretude’?


a.     Derek Walcott

b.     Soyinka

c.     Achebe

d.     Ngugi

mastanappa puletipalli



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