Tuesday, May 31, 2016

B. A./B. Sc./B. Com./B. B. M./B. S. W./BCA II Semester May - 2016 (Grammar KEY)

B. A./B. Sc./B. Com./B. B. M./B. S. W./BCA Second Semester
Degree Examinations (May – 2016)
Basic English (New Syllabus)

Time: 3 hours                                                                                                  Maximum Marks: 80

Text: Words and Beyond and Language Components

I.                    Annotate any Two of the Following:                                                             (2x6 = 12)

a.       Baldeo was conscious only of a searing pain down his back, and then there was blackness and the night closed in on him forever.
The Tiger in the Tunnel – Ruskin Bond
b.       And, of course, I want a wife who will not demand sexual attention when I am not in the mood for it.
Why I Want a wife? – Judy Brady
c.       It was only later that Hardy decided that Ramanujan was, in terms of natural mathematical genius.
Hardy and Ramanujan – C. P. Snow
d.       Angoori was very proud of her silver jewellery, elated by the mere touch of her trinkets.
The Weed – Amrita Pritam
II.                 Answer any one of the following:                                                                 (1x16 = 16)

a.       Describe the background of Baldeo and the nature of his duties as a watchman and his pride of his axe.

b.       “The Weed” is the story of innocence and ignorance, Elucidate.

III.               Annotate any Two of the Following:                                                            (2x6 = 12)

a.       Between my finger and my thumb
The squat pen rests.
I’ll dig with it.
Digging – Seamus Heaney
b.       And our social Psychology workers found
That he was popular with his mates and liked a drink.
The Unknown Citizen – W. H. Auden
c.       Remember, we who take arms against each other.
It is the human earth that we defile.
No Men are Foreign – James Kirkup
d.       They didn’t tell me
how much of my tears
they needed to hoist
a jungle of their pride;
Gandhi – Niranjan Mohanty

IV.               Answer any one of the following:                                                                (1x16 = 16)

a.       How does W. H. Auden draw a pen picture of a socially-regimented citizen in a materialistic Utopia of Modern Age in his poem “The Unknown Citizen”?
b.       ‘Plough and Pen have great impact on the development of human society, but Seamus Heaney took the Pen’. What did he want to do with it? What was the background of his family? 

V.                 Language Components: 

a)      Change the following into reported speech:                                              (4X 2 = 08)

1.       He said, “It may rain today.”
He said that it might rain that day.

2.       “I am very busy now.” She said to her friend.
She said to her friend that she was very busy then.

3.       She said to me, “What are you doing?”
She asked me what I was doing.

4.       She said, “Alas! I am undone.”
She exclaimed sorrowfully that she was undone.

b)      Fill in the blanks with suitable modals given in the brackets:                      (4X 2 = 08)

1.       If it is made of wood, it ……… (can / will) float.
If it is made of wood, it will float.

2.       This is delicious, you ………… (may / ought) to try some.
This is delicious, you ought to try some.

3.       Children over the age of twelve ……….. (will / must) pay full fare.
Children over the age of twelve must pay full fare.

4.       No civilized country ……….. (should / might) allow such terrible injustice.
No civilized country should allow such terrible injustice.

c)      Frame ‘wh’- questions so as to get the underlined part as the answer:         (4X 2 = 08)

1.       She is the second child to her parents.
     —How manieth child is she to her parents?

2.       In some districts, farmers use donkeys for agriculture.
     —Where do farmers use donkeys for agriculture?

3.       The Minister inaugurated the newly constructed bridge.
     —What did the Minister inaugurate?

4.       There are fifty students in the class.
     —How many students are there in the class?


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