gives me immense pleasure indeed to talk on scholarly papers to pay a splendid tribute to
the great sage on the occasion of this conference “A Commemoration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami
Vivekananda’ On this special occasion I would like to extend my special thanks
for those who have come from far off places to participate in the glorious
event and present papers flooding substantial light on the life and
achievements of Swami Vivekananda and enlighten us on the subject of this
conference. The papers are really well written and made me fall into the sense
of fascination to bring out all papers in this form of book.
I proceed further I would like to express my constraints and limitations in
preparing arrangements of two day National Conference. By the time, when I was
assigned to host the conference there
was little time left in my hand to hold the conference especially on this
particular day i.e. on 11th September 2014. We decided to hold this
conference only today against all odds because of its special significance.
Nearly 120 years ago exactly on this day of 11th September 1893,
Swami Vivekananda delivered his unforgettable speech in the Parliament of World Religions in
Chicago, USA. In this shortest time possible I had to make all necessary
arrangements with the best possible efforts with assistance of my friends and
on behalf of the Organizing Committee I must confess that when I was first
informed to host this conference I was rather skeptical about my ability to
manage the conference at my present stage of inexperience of organizing a National conference. However, the
members of the organizing committee have come to my aid, and helped me by
patting on my shoulders with their fullest support and filled my heart with
courage in every step to go ahead with full confidence to organize the
facilities to cater for a two-day National Conference. I never forget the
unexplainable help rendered by our Principal when I was groping for the right
way to go ahead in the darkest hour.
is thus both an honour and pleasure for me on behalf of my great Veerashaiva
College to host this function despite many short comings in organizing this
event. I am indeed delighted to be associated with all my dear colleagues who
helped me a lot and their invaluable help will never be forgotten.
are all well-aware that Swami Vivekananda’s contributions in various fields and
unparallel services for the welfare of the society. It is universally
acknowledged that Swamiji revitalized his philosophy within and outside India,
in spite of her (India) innumerable linguistic, ethnic, historical, and
regional diversities, India has had from the time immemorial a strong sense of
cultural unity. It was, however, Swami
Vivekananda who revealed the true foundations of this culture and thus clearly
defined and strengthened the sense of unity as a nation. Swamiji gave Indians
proper understanding of their country’s spiritual heritage and thus he gave us
pride in our past. Another greatest contribution of Swami Vivekananda was to
build a bridge between Indian culture and western culture. He did it by interpreting
Hindu Scriptures and Philosophy and the Hindu Way Life and its Social Institutions
to the western people in an idiom in which they could understand. He made
western people realize that they had to learn much from Indian spirituality for
their well-being. It was the principal reason for the enthusiastic reception of
Yoga, Transcendental Meditation and other forms of Indian spiritual
self-improvement in the West.
Swami Vivekananda espoused the idea that all sects within Hinduism and all
religions are different paths to the same goal. However, this view has been
criticized as an oversimplification of Hinduism. He is indisputably considered
that Swamiji was one of the greatest spiritual leaders of the modern world who
awakened India through his invaluable messages and stirring lectures. The most
inspiring and unique lectures he delivered at the World Parliament of Religions held at Chicago, USA on September 11th
1893 and subsequent teachings for four and half years in USA and Europe, he
succeeded to a great extent in changing the opinion of Western people about
the background of emerging nationalism in British-ruled India, Swami
Vivekananda crystallized the nationalistic ideals. In the words of social
reformer C. F. Andrews, “Swamiji’s intrepid patriotism gave a new colour to the
national movement throughout India. More than any other single individual of
that period Swami Vivekananda had made his contributions to the new awakening
of India”. His nationalistic ideas
influenced many Indian thinkers and leaders. Sri Aurobindo regarded Swami
Vivekananda was the one who awakened India Spiritually; Mahatma Gandhi counted
him among the few Hindu reformers “who have maintained this Hindu religion in a
state of splendor by cutting down the dead wood of tradition.”
Vivekananda is a universal ideal for modern youths. He achieved so much in his
life and contributed so much to the welfare, progress and spiritual elevation
of humanity during the short period of his youth. His unparallel teachings
infuse self-confidence and inner strength to face the problems of life such as
failure, criticism, and depression and so many psychological inhibitions. His
teachings are perennial source of inspiration and eternal hope for the young
generations to attain true fulfillment and peace in their lives.
inspiring god man, Swami Vivekananda with his infinite knowledge in Eastern and
Western culture as well as his deep spiritual insight, with his art of
eloquence, with his brilliant conversation, with his broad human sympathy, with
his multifaceted personality, with his glowing and attractive countenance made
an irresistible appeal strove across the world to promote peace and brotherhood
on the spiritual foundation of the Vedanthic Oneness of existence.
Vivekananda taught us very deep aspects encompassing Spiritualism, Universal
values, Religion, Character building, Education, Spirit of Service and other
social issues. His thoughts caught the imagination of people in diverse
societies and cultures because of the universality of his preaching and the
exalted goals that he set for human beings. The eternal idea in the life and
teachings of Swami Vivekananda was religious universalism. All religions are
universal, equal and true! Truly he is a citizen of the world.
historians pointed out that swami Vivekananda will be eternal in the whole
history of Indian religion, for moulding the modern world, especially as far as
Asia is concerned.
this celebration of the 150th Birth Anniversary, it is the time for
us to pay tribute to the great soul. Swamiji’s works and message could be the
best inspiration for us today. We hope that, the participants must be inspired
by the eminent lectures on Swamiji’s thoughts and works which will definitely
help them to mould their way of thinking and the perceptions about Religion,
Humanity, Selfless Service, Spiritualism, Universal values, Character building
and Education. With these a few observations I conclude my introduction of this
conference. I thank you and I will be thankful to one and all whose gracious
presence to make this event successful and I wish every participant of this
conference may reap golden harvest of invaluable Knowledge,
Mastanappa Puletipalli
11th September 2014
Mastanappa Puletipalli
11th September 2014
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