Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Profile of the Faculty

Name and Address:                               P MASTANAPPA
Associate Professor of English,
Head of the Department of English
Veerashaiva College,
Cantonment, Bellary – 583 104

Date of Birth:                                        15 – 06 – 1960

Qualification:                                        M. A.  Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur

Date of Entry into the Service:               09 – 01 – 1991   

Present Designation:                              Associate Professor of English

Experience:                                           22 years of teaching English in a Rural College, Kottureshwara College, Kotturu and now Working at Veerashaiva College, Ballari Since July 2012

E-mail Id:                                             mastanappa2008@gmail.com

Hosting of Educational Blog:                 https://mastanappa.blogspot.com

Mobile:                                                +91 9448944609

Orientation/ Refresher Courses:

Orientation Course
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
Refresher Course
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
Refresher Course
Kuvempu University, Shimoga
Refresher Course
Sri Padmavathi Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati
Refresher Course
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad

Workshops Attended:

1.     One Day TQM-Workshop for College Teachers on “Orienting First Year Degree Students” on 22nd November 2003, organised by Total Quality Management & Human resources Development District Task Force, Bellary

2.     Two Days Workshop on “Communication Skills in English” on 20th and 21st July 2007, jointly organised by Department of Studies in English, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga and Gulbarga University Degree College English Teachers’ Forum, Gulbarga.

3.     UGC Sponsored Two Day Workshop on “The Present Status of Teaching Grammar at UG Level – Strengths and Weaknesses” on 27th and 28th March 2015, organised by Veerashiava College, Ballari.

4.     One Day Workshop on “Faculty Workshop on Modernising Syllabus for U G Teachers” organised by Vijayanagara Sri Krishnadevarya Univeristy, Ballari on 6th July 2015.

5.     One Day Workshop on Film Studies on “Selected National Award Films Water and Pink” on 18th August 2017, organised by Vijayanagar College, Hosapete.

6.     One Day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Emotional Intelligence for Teaching and Academic Leadership” on 27th January 2017 organised by Allum Karibasappa Institute of Management, Ballari.

7.     Attended as a Resource Person to Self-Financed One Day Workshop on “Making UG English Curriculum Relevant” on 06 September 2019, organised by Gangavathi Bhagyamma Rural Degree College and P.G. Centre, Huvinahadagali, Ballari District.

Seminars, Conferences, Symposia Attended:

1.     Two Day National Seminar on “Language and Literature” on 14th and 15th March 2008 Jointly organised by Luqman Degree College of Science and Arts, Gulbarga and Gulbarga University Degree College English Teachers’ Forum, Gulbarga,

2.     UGC Sponsored Two Day National Seminar on “Indian English Literature: Current Trends” on 24th and 25th February 2012 organized by Department of English, Veerashaiva College, Bellary.

3.     UGC Sponsored Two Day State Level Seminar on “Confluence / Ambiguity of the Treatment of Tradition and Modernity in The Writings of Ngugi Wa Thiong’O: A Representative Critique of Post-Colonialism” on 19th and 20th October 2012, organised by USMR First Grade College, Shankaraghatta, Shimoga District.

4.     UGC Sponsored One Day State Level Conference on “Creative Writing in English in India” on 13th April 2013, organised by Gangavathi Bhagyamma Rural Degree College, Huvinahadagali.

5.     UGC Sponsored Two Day National Level Seminar on “Swami Vivekananda as a World Citizen” on 8th and 9th August 2014 organised by Shri Gavisiddheshwara Arts, Science and Commerce College, Koppal – 583 231

6.     UGC Sponsored Two Day National Conference on “A Commemoration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda” on 11th and 12th September 2014, organised by Veerashiava College, Ballari in the capacity of Organising Secretary.

7.     Attended as Chairperson of a Session to IQAC Sponsored One Day State Level Seminar on “Challenges in Teaching and Learning English in Hyderabad-Karnataka Region” on 3rd March 2015 organised by SPSGS Government First Grade College, Kanakagiri with association of Department of Collegiate Education, Gulbarga, Govt of Karnataka. 

8.     State level Seminor “Dr. Girish Karnard Contributions to Kannada and Indian Drama and Cinima” (Kannada mattu Bharatya Rangaboomi hagu Chitrarangakke Dr. Girish Karnadara Kidige) organised by Department of Kannada, Veerashaiva College, Ballari on 26th and 27th February 2016.

9.     Three-day National Conference “All India English Teachers’ National Conference” on 18th to 20th December 2015, organised by Department of English, Vijayanagar Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Ballari, Karnataka.

10.  Participated in Karnataka Science and Technology Academy Conference on the theme “Science and Society” organised by Veerashaiva College, Ballari with the association of Karnataka Science and Technology (KSTA), Government of Karnataka, Bangalore on 16th and 17th of January 2015.  

11.  One Day National Seminar on “Narratives of Politics and Political Crisis in literary and Non-Literary Texts” on 28th March 2017, organised by Department of Studies and Research in English, VSKU, Ballari.

12.  A Three-Day XXIX Statutory Conference and National Seminar on “Reforms in Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities” on 18th and 20th December 2017 organised by All India Federation of University and College Teachers’ Organisations (AIFUCTO) at Shiridi in Maharashtra.

13.  A Two-Day National Seminar on “Indian English Literature – Past, Present & Future” on 19th and 20th of November 2018, organised by the Department of English, Davangere University, Davangere.

14.  A Three-Day XXXI Academic Conference on “Education in India at Crossroads: A Critical Review” on 23rd, 24th and 25th November 2018, organised by All India Federation of University and College Teachers (AIFUCTO)’ Organizations at Kanaykumari, Tamilanadu.

15.  A One-Day National Symposium on “Contemporary Indian English Literature: Prospects and Challenges” on 10th December 2018 organized by Forum of College English Teachers (FOCET), Kuvempu University, Shivamogga.

16.  A NAAC Sponsored Two-Day National Seminar on “Enhancement of Quality in Higher Education The Role of IQAC” on 15th and 16th February 2019 organised by Veerashaiva College, Ballari.

Papers presented:

1.     A Seminar paper presented on “U.R. Ananthamurty’s ‘Samaskara’ – A Question of Moral Conduct” during the Refresher Course in English for College and University teachers organised by Padmavathi Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupathi from 19-8-2002 to 8-9-2002.

2.     A Seminar paper presented on “Rabindranath Tagore’s Play Natir Puja – A celebration of Love, Peace and Non-violence” in the year 2012

3.     A Seminar paper presented on “Ngugi Wa Thiong’O – His treatment of Tradition and Modernity in his writings” in the year 2012.

4.     A Seminar paper presented on “Vivekananda’s Call for the Nation” in the year 2014

5.     A Conferential paper is presented on “Teaching English at College Level: Problems and Possibilities” in All India English Teachers’ National Conference organised by the The Department of English, VSKU, Ballari held on 18th to 20th December 2015.

6.     A Resource Person’s paper is presented on “The Origin and the Growth of the English Novel – An Overview” at a Self-Financed One Day Workshop on “Making U.G. English Curriculum Relevant” organized by GBR College, Huvinahadagali, Ballari District on 06th September 2019.


        1.   A book “A Tribute to Swami Vivekananda” on the occasion of A Commemoration of 150th
 Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, is compiled, edited and published.

Membership in other bodies:

1.     Membership in ASRC, Hyderabad
2.     Membership in Kalyan Literary Forum for English Studies, Gulbarga
3.     Membership in All India English Teacher’s Forum, New Delhi
4.     Membership in Gulbarga University Degree College English Teacher’s Forum, Gulbarga

Details as guest faculty, if any:

1.     I have undertaken extension work by attending as a Resource Person at CRC of Ujjain to train the primary and high school teachers in latest methods of teaching ENGLISH.

2.     A Special is given on “Personality Development” as Resource Person at SAVT Govt First Grade College, Kudligi on 28.3.2012

3.     IGNOU Councillor since 2012

4.     Regular classes are engaged voluntarily at Central Prison, Bellary for those who appearing for KSOU and IGNOU Examinations

Participation in Extra Curricular Activities, for the last five years:

5.     Undertaken extension works by attending as Resource Person at CRC of Ujjain to train the primary and high school teachers in latest methods of teaching ENGLISH.

6.     Being appointed as a member of Academic Advisory Committee in Keshvareddy Concept School, Anantapur, A. P.

7.     Participated in all NSS Programmes voluntarily conducted by Kottureshwara College, Kotturu and Veerashaiva College, Bellary

8.     Worked as NSS Programme Officer for the year 2012 – 2013 at Veerashaiva College, Bellary

9.     Proposal was prepared and presented to UGC to organise Two Day National Conference on “A Commemoration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda.”

10.  Participated in Rural Development Programmes as member voluntary organisation and undergone Two Day Training Programme on SHG Bookkeeping at Rashtriya Seva Samithi, Tirupati, organised by RASS – CARE CBI 

Representation in Academic and Professional bodies:

1.     Membership in Kalyan Literary Forum for English Studies, Gulbarga
2.     Membership in All India English Teacher’s Forum, New Delhi
3.     Membership in Gulbarga University Degree College English Teacher’s Forum, Gulbarga
4.     Executive member in VSKUCTA

Research and Guidance:        ------

Any other Highlights:

1.     Attended along with 29 student representatives from the college at Vishvamanava  Samskruthika Habba – 2013 (30th and 31st August 2013) organised by Vishvamanava Vidyarthi Yuva Vedika at Mysore.

2.     Organised UGC Two Day National Conference on “A Commemoration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda” as an Organising Secretary on 11th and 12th September 2014

3.     Regular classes are engaged voluntarily for M. Com., III Semester students those who opted English as an open elective course for the year 2012 – 13

4.     Served as NSS Officer for two years 2012 – 2014

5.     Attended as a Judge for Inter-Departmental Debate (English) Competition and Elocution (English) Competition organised at Vijayanagara Sri Krishanadevaraya University, Ballari on 21st October 2014.

6.     Organised a Two-day National Conference on “A Commemoration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda” as an Organising Secretary.

7.     Services are given as an Executive Editor for College E – Newsletter and published three issues on College Website.

8.     Hosting Educational Blog (https://mastanappa.blogspot.com) for all English Language and Optional English Students.

9.     The Best Taxpayer Appreciation Certificates for two consecutive years 2016 – 17 and 2017 – 18 issued by Central Board of Direct Taxes, Ministry of Finance, Government of India.


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