Sunday, March 29, 2015

Polonius’ advice to his son (Hamlet (Act I Scene III) – William Shakespeare

Polonius’ advice to his son (Hamlet (Act I Scene III) – William Shakespeare

This is a well known passage from Shakespeare’s tragic play Hamlet (Act I Scene III). Polonius is one f the characters of the play. He is the King Claudius’s chief counselor and the father of Ophelia and Laertes. Polonius’ son Laertes studies at Sorborne University, Paris. He had come to his native place Elsinore, Denmark to attend the coronation of King Claudius after the death of senior Hamlet.  This passage is full of worldly advice is given by Polonius to his son Laertes at the time of his departure to Paris by ship.
In Hamlet, the Scene opens with the conversation between Laertes and Ophelia, Children of Polonius. By watching his children talking to each other, Polonius angrily blames Laertes for the delay and informs him that his ship is waiting for him in the harbor.

According to Polonius, every man should have a very good conduct or character. According to him “if a man’s character is lost, everything is lost in his life”. So, he tells his son that he should have a virtuous character which is praiseworthy in the society. Laertes is advised to be dignified and think twice before he talks or express his thoughts in public. He is guided to keep his personal thoughts to himself. He is also asked to be calm and have patience in the case of wild and unproportioned thought. In other words he should be very careful and conscious in thinking, talking and acting.

Polonius advises his son to be dignified and good with his friends but not to be mean or stubborn. He is cautioned to select his friends after some deliberations. A trustworthy and faithful friend should be shielded with love and affection and he should not let him go. Laertes is also advised not to be very lavish in his habits and should not spend money unnecessarily on new friends. On the whole Polonius advised his son to attract friends only with his virtuous character not with money.

Polonius guides his son not to enter into quarrel for silly reasons. If he once involves himself, he should defined himself totally. Laertes should warn the opponent to be cautious of him. Laertes should listen to the elders and take suggestion from all but should take his own decision. Hereby he says that decision should not make according to the person but persona. Laertes is asked to develop good habits based on his financial status. Since he is the son of a rich person he should dress up very richly and with dignity as our presentation in public often potrays our personality. He should dress like a son of rich person but not in an odd manner as France is a land of culture and history where Laertes lives… 

Polonius’ most famous lines “neither a borrower nor a lender be: for loan oft loses both itself and friend”  is well known aphorism in English language. Friends become foes in the matter of monetary matters. Money related issues often make us to lose our friends. But Polonius at the end of his speech advices Laertes “This above all to true thine own self be true”. “Honesty is the best policy.” One should keep honesty and should be true to his own self. Character is very important in everyone’s life. This policy one must maintain throughout his life. Such a man will win the heart of every one. Finally polonius bids farewell to his son and blesses him. Laertes takes leave along with his father’s advice.

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